If you could only see what our feet were doing!!!! 

Today Claire, Wil and I went on our Forest walk, well I say walk it was quite a fast brisk trot. We managed to keep up with Wil. Claire was very good and managed to walk and talk. I learned a lot of things about pregnancy. Wil and his girlfriend Cath are expecting their baby in the Winter and Claire has, as I have mentioned before two small children. I was too puffed out to talk much but it was fun listening.
Every now and then we stopped...for a rest...no!....to do many a wondrous thing with our exercise bands
There were a few other people out on horses or bikes we nodded and I don't think they were laughing!!! I'm not sure how far we walked but I think it was a few hundred miles. The biggest challenge came for me, when we had the choice of either hoping over a high metal gate or walking back the several hundred miles that we had come. I kind of made subtle noises such ...'you're joking...that's not going to work'...... we tried variations and combinations of foot arrangements on the rungs of the gate. The trouble is with the weak leg it is hard to turn and twist my left leg with all the weight onto it. Also having a fit of giggles at the top didn't help much!!Claire and Wil had already gone over the top. They very kindly came back over to see if there were any other ways into the field.
Then I had a sudden burst of..'No! I am not going to let this thing beat me' , or I really didn't have the energy to walk all the way back!!! So with gritted teeth I climbed the gate. It is a bit of an optical illusion below because I am sure the gate was many times higher than that.
I did it and trotted triumphantly behind Wil and Claire through the field only to find...another gate on the otherside. This was a bit easier because it was a firmer gate.
So all in all it was a good walk with good company. Thanks Wil and Claire.
I went for a quick swim after managed 17 lengths not quite continuously but not bad after that walk. 
This tree used to be straight, it really shows that the strengthening exercises are coming on!!!