Saturday, September 30, 2006

Happy Birthday to Claire fellow member of Team Wil. She has done brilliantly well losing a stone and 11 cms of her middle, and a loss of 4% body fat. Not easy with a busy lifestyle and two small children in the family
Congratulations Claire

Friday, September 29, 2006

Lost In Space

We're on the Radio on Monday from 8.30 a.m.. Radio Solent are going to try and get more people involved with Daisy Dieting. You can listen live on line....

I think we are going to be joining up with some other groups too. ooooooooooo

Do you know when you have those days when everyone seems to have left the universe except you and those who are left behind are just wierd, today is one of those. Maybe because I had fig and bran smoothie for breakfast yesterday, and sprouts and lentils for tea. Maybe I have been blasted onto a different stratasphere. Had some really wierd customers asking for all sorts and one who decided to sing opera in the shop.

Many may not know that I am internationlly trained water giver for Marathons etc. (this has taken me many minutes of training) Winchester has a marathon on Sunday so I maybe putting my cup holding hand out for the runners. Available for Triathlons, Marathons and Barmitzvars

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Vital Stats

The deed is done. I am measured and weighed. So here are the vital stats at the end of the first 3 months

6/07/09 28/09/06
weight 21st 5lbs 17st 11 lbs
%fat 55.8 51.6
BMR 2051 1823
chest 121 cm 110 cm
neck 37 cm 36.5cm
waist 137 cm 105.5 cm
hips 155 cm 140 cm
calf 56 cm 49 cm

I feel really excited to see these stats. In 2lbs time I will be at the lowest weight that I have been for nearly 30 years. I am hoping to do that for the Radio Solent weigh-in.

I had a bit of a bad case of PMT today, emotions all over the place. Hormones eh!! There was an elderly lady on the train station moaning bitterly that one of the trains had been cancelled. She only had to wait 14 mins. 'It's not good enough!' 'Staff here are useless' etc..... in the end of trying not to answer back....I had to say 'There's nothing you can do about it and moaning isn't going to help' .
From someone who wouldn't say 'boo' to a goose a while ago, I surprised myself!!!
She moved away.LOL

Had a good session in the gym after my MOT. Things that used to be a challenge are now just part of the circuit. Things I thought I'd never do I'm doing!!! It's so cool having Wil to chat to as he puts me through my paces, although he doesn't watch Dr Who, how wierd is that!!

Then had a gorgeous back massage with Tania. Soooooooooooooooo relaxing. Warm oils, soft lighting, dreamy music, being pampered and a good chat about all sorts of things.

On the way into the Spa there were pigs!!! Well one big one and lots little ones. They are there to eat up all the acorns that are falling at the moment. They were so sweet, how can people eat them !!!! LOL

Weight and See

Today is the end of the 12 week course with Wil (apart from Monday), so it is weighing and measuring day. On Monday it's the public weigh-in at Radio Solent, considering how I felt the first time I went there, I really look forward to it now

I am a bit worried about flying the security of the nest. Having the support of a fantastic team at New Park Manor and the opportunity to go to the Spa and Gym when ever I wanted. I will do my Oscar winning speach on here on Monday. I have tried to wring out (as Evo puts it), every experience possible from these 12 weeks, maybe a bit too enthusiastically at times. Poor Wil has to face barrages of questions, texts and e-mails in my attempt to get as much info out of him as possible. Persistant eh!! He is a national treasure though!!

So now I have to apply all things I've learnt into an everyday routine. Going to touch base with Wil twice a month. I need to keep the swimming up, and do lots of walking and hopefully we can work out a home fitness session. The Ball, weights and Exercise Band await!!!I'm with Radio Solent till April. Hoping to do some 'Race for Lifes' next summer. The healthy eating I think is now so installed in me I think that has become second nature.

The Big Bosses are at the Spa today and Natalie (Spa Manager) has been working hard on a presentation. I'll have to resist doing my 'Bubbles' (Little Britain) impersonation, or walking around with notices saying'This Spa is Fab and the Staff are amazing!!"

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It's weird that ever since I've started to exercise bits of me are getting smaller and some are complaining at having to do some work after having quite an easy life.
Today at work I made quite a nifty move to get out of the way of someone and twisted my knee. It was really painful for about 2 hours and now it's ok. Other aches and pains that would have gone on for weeks seem to recover within a day or two.

Have been practicing long strides and bending my knees so my legs nearly touch the ground. The best place to do this is in the corridor outside my front door. This causes much amusement to my neighbour but he is getting used to it now. I do look like I should be in the Ministry of Funny Walks.

Had a woman come into the shop wanting to talk to me about dieting. She is over 25 stone but has a lot of mental health problems, I felt a bit out of my depth because I know half the battle is in our minds but when there is an extra complication like that I don't feel qualified. Felt sad that she was so upset. She is under medical supervision and care.

What has happened to Wil? Is this all that is left of him?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
After a busy and an amazing season of competing he is taking a few weeks rest from racing. Luckily not from Personal Training though.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Found this article on the BBC Health Site. Taken highlights from it. Shocking stuff. I often used to eat a 6 pack a day.

Half of UK children "drink" almost five litres of cooking oil every year as a result of their pack-a-day crisp habit, experts warn.
Nearly a fifth of children eat two packets of crisps per day, says the British Heart Foundation

The ad carries the caption "What goes into crisps goes into you"Its Food4Thought campaign aims to expose hidden salt, fat and sugar in common foods.
Pictures of a girl drinking cooking oil with the caption "What goes into crisps goes into you" will appear nationwide.

A typical 35g bag of crisps contains about two-and-a-half teaspoons of oil.

A larger 50g pack contains three-and-a-half.
Figures from Mintel reveal that we eat a tonne of crisps every three minutes in the UK.
This would be enough to fill a telephone box every 43 seconds and an Olympic size swimming pool every 14 hours.

Another recent survey found nearly three quarters of mothers said they fed their children ready meals or takeaways more than three times a week.
By 2020, it is thought that a quarter of UK children will be overweight.

Over 9 billion packs of crisps, snacks & nuts are eaten every year, equating to 150 bags per person per year
The UK Crisps & Snacks market is worth £2 billion per year
Crisps are found in 69% of the 5.5 billion lunchboxes packed for children in the UK
Sources: Food Standards Agency and Information Resources Inc
BHF is calling for a ban on the marketing of junk food products to children, particularly on the TV and the internet.
It also says cooking skills should be a compulsory part of schooling.
Teaching resources in the shape of over-sized burger boxes will be sent to 2,500 UK schools. Student packs will be delivered to 400,000 children later this year.
More than 200 schoolchildren have volunteered to become BHF Young Ambassadors, who will be lobbying their schools, MPs and local media.

Neil Campbell, general manager for Walkers, said: "We wholeheartedly agree that people should avoid products that are high in saturated fat, which is why we invested millions of pounds in developing Sunseed oil, one of the healthiest oils there is.
"We introduced Sunseed oil in February this year, resulting in a 70% reduction in the saturated fat content of Walkers Crisps."

Warning - Back Away If You See Me Today

Do you know when you have an off day and you just don't feel you're in the right skin. I feel like that today. I woke up at 5am turned over in bed and fell out. Got up to go to the loo, fell over the vacuum cleaner. Hurting perfectly formed blisters from Thursday. I went to the kitchen to get a drink, knocked the glass on the floor, cutting my thumb trying to pick up the pieces. Thinking it was probably safer to go back to bed and stay there, I noticed a Daddy Long Legs in my bedroom. Iwent on full scale battle with it. I won!!! Deposited scrunched insect out of the kitchen window and then stood on a slither of glass I had missed.!!!!!!!!
All this in 20 minutes. Took the rubbish down to the bin and the bag split leaving a trail of vegetable peelings, etc on the steps.
So far at work I have been fairly safe apart from standing on a small child's foot, thankfully not too heavily. I am wondering if I should be escorted home!!

BBC Radio Solent's Daisy Appeal Calendar is out, featuring all the presenters especially our Daisy Dieter boys Julian Clegg and Jon Cuthill. Available from news agents etc

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Excuse me! Is this the right road................

Yesterday was day off and guess where I spent most of it.....the Spa!!! Only a few days left now of the 12 week course with Wil so trying to make the most of it.
I had a really good sleep and woke up feeling a lot better with just a shadow of a headache.
I missed the train because there was a mad woman at the ticket office who seemed to want to know every train time of every network for the next five years, repeated several times. She was unaware of the queue building up behind her, which was quite amazing because we were all doing impatient coughs and under the breath comments, very British!!!

Got the bus to the Spa and walked up the first part of the road closely followed by a little foal who seemed to find it amusing making me walk faster!!

Got into the gym in time for a Pre session warm up (my old PE teacher would be so shocked I used to have to be dragged into the sports hall kicking and screaming at school)
Had a good work out with Wil, my balance is still a bit wobbly but I still have a few wobbly bits on the sides to control!!
Then went for a relaxing swim.
Christine, my friend from work was coming to the Spa for a swim and chill out at 4 so I had some time to kill.
I thought I'd go for a walk around the Forest. It was a lovely afternoon. The sun was low and there was quite a strong breeze.
Jo, (was the first person I ever talked to in the Spa, when I started, she is lovely and has a wicked sen
se of humour), in reception gave me a map with walking routes.
Friends and family would now have seen the danger signs........ I am well known for getting lost. Long suffering friend Stu will often get phone calls asking him to guide me back to the right direction.
New Forest, I thought, I couldn't go too wrong because there a specific routes and paths to follow.
WRONG!! I walked for about 1 1/2 hours . The Forest was beautiful, light coming through, the trees, babbling brooks, birds singing, horse things wandering around, I expected Walt Disney to walk out at any time!!! Then discovered I was on the wrong road. I must say that the people of Brockenhurst, after they had stopped laughing, were really
helpful. Unfortunately I had three different types of directions.
I must have looked a sight as I was bright red, hot, hair wet from swimming , in leggings (never seen without a skirt in public before!!!!!).

I was due back at the Spa at 4pm and had told Wil and Jo where I was going and if I wasn't back by then I may be lost.
I thought I had found my way back onto the map and phoned into say I would be late coming back don't worry. BUT..... I asked someone else if I was going in the right direction and they told me another way.
My feet had blisters by now, as I stupidly forgot to bring socks with me and the trainers were taking their revenge.

Time to phone International Rescue . A 'Help I am lost!' text resulted in a speedy rescue. Is it a plane?, Is it a bird? No it's a Personal Trainer running from the Spa, at GBR Triathlon speed, sacrificially leaving his hot chocolate, to the rescue (I think some sort of super hero theme tune should be played in the background).

After one of Wil's shortcuts, which I should be used to because my Dad used to take us on his short cuts which usually meant walking through cowpats or going through fields with bulls,but I was grateful not to have to walk the whole way back, we got back to the Spa at 5pm. Luckily Christine had been a bit late too and was being well looked after.

We had a lovely time in the hydro therapy pool.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Been a bit under the weather recently resulting in a few days off work, but I'm on the mend and raring to go again.

Have been watching a run of inspirational reality programmes on Tv. Jamie Oliver's frustrating challenge to the Government and parents to try and feed children with food that is good for them. He has such a passion to want to help people understand the importance of nutrition. It is scary that the greatest opposition seems to come from some of the parents!!
Ian Wright getting unfit children to get an interest in exercise and healthy eating.
And 'Ballet changed My Life', a programme about of children who have been through all sorts of traumas and are finding an outlet and therapy in doing ballet. It's amazing

Last Thursday I did a Mini Triathlon at the Spa. (Don't think the will be following me yet!!!) On the way home yesterday a vision in lycra passed me on a bike and handed me a gold, (kind of), medal. How cool, my first award ever for sports. I think it was Wil!!!
<This is an artists impression!!

One week left to go of the 12 week 'Change Your Life From A Gym/Sports/Fitness- Phobic to Can't Get Enough of It' course at the Spa.
It is real life changing stuff. I know I keep going on about it but it has been such a fantastic experience and the staff there are all brilliant.
It's not really the end but the start of a fuller and fitter life with all sorts of new opportunities. I am so determined to go on. Hopefully keeping Wil as Personal Trainer, who really deserves a medal for his patience and motivational powers.

The next weigh- in is October 2nd at Radio Solent , just over a week away and the updates on that part of Daisy's life goes on till April 2007. Then world domination, I guess!!!!


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Went for a long walk today trying some uphill and downhill walking!!
I walked just over 6 miles. There is a slow long hill out of Winchester about 2 miles long, but when you turn the corner into the downhill road there is an amazing view of the hills Winchester countryside. I had my headphones on. I must remember to stop singing because no-one else can the music but they can hear me singing along.........Scares the natives

Well done to Wil who ran the Triathlon in Bala today with brilliant times
1500 metres swim............23 mins 52
39 K cycle..................1 hr-02 mins 28
10.25K run..........................38 mins 44

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Site for Sore Thighs!!

DD Oscar this week goes to.......
good friend Evo of Evoland, who is a regular commenter and encourager on this site. He is doing really well in his fitness campagne. He's is nearly got to losing 1 and1/2 stone and he has taken up jogging....which is all going towards his image of being the 'Milk tray Man'. . Well done Evo!!!

This is a really good site. Has loads of information about fitness, diet and exercise. Don't be put off by the word 'Marathon'!!!! There are quizes, recipes and training ideas, also a Blog site if you really want to get into conversation with the pros

This is a recipe from that site. It is gorgeous
Kidney bean and raisin salad

This salad is delicious; the sweet raisins really complement the beans well. Raisins are a good source of iron and if you drink a glass of pure fruit juice with this (such as orange, cranberry or grapefruit) the vitamin C will help your body absorb the iron more efficiently.
Each serving
198 Calories 33g Total carbohydrate3g Total fat10g Protein
Preparation time: approximately 20 minutes
Serves: 6


½ red onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons of olive oil
3 carrots, finely grated3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
1 green pepper, finely chopped
50g raisins
3 large tomatoes, diced
475g can kidney beans
Salt and pepper to taste

Put the onion, olive oil and balsamic vinegar into a large bowl and stir together, add the carrot, tomatoes, raisins and pepper.
Toss the vegetables in the dressing in the bowl. Add the kidney beans and mix well.
Season to taste and serve

Friday, September 15, 2006

She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain..........

Yesterday I did my mini Triathlon as set by Wil, a tenth of what he normally does.... well
150 meters in 8 minutes
4k on the bike in 11 mins 20
1k walking on the Treadmill at 12 mins 43....the walking was made more interesting by Wil giving a New Forest virtual tour going up and down hills at different speeds. The fastest I did was walking at 6k per hour.

Last night I added all that up..... and then x by 10. I think if I had done a full Triathlon everyone would have gone home by the time I got to the finishing point!!! But it is a lot more than I could have done 11 weeks ago. I'll keep trying!!

We did a Cholesterol Test and it was 4 or 190 which is goodish I think

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Frozen Bananas

Today was another first.

I had a Yoga Class!!! Yasmin is the Yoga teacher at the Spa. She is a very good advert for the benefits of yoga, slim, supple , graceful and very serene.

I was afraid I might have to be carried into casualty in a permanent Lotus position. It was an amazing experience, some of the moves I couldn't do but Yasmin just adapted them for me. My breathing is a lot better than it used to be ( I remember to do it now!!!), tonight we focused on deep abdominal breathing. At one point I had my legs up a wall at 90 degrees to the rest of me, I wanted to shout 'I'm doing Yoga'. How cool!!

There were lots of stretches which really opened up the abdominal and lungs area. You become aware of your body and the relaxations part is wonderful!!I would heartily recommend anyone of any age or capability to have a go.

Before all that I decided to have a go at walking to the Spa from the station. I did it in 45 minutes, it is quite hard terrain as it is a lumpy grass verge but all adds to the cause. Then I did a shortened session in the gym and a long time in the pool - mostly relaxing.

Before that I went to the dentist. I had preparation for a crown and for the first time had no injection. I used to have such a phobia of dentists that I would have to have injections enough to feel no pain for the rest of the year, general anesthetic and a big glass of gin before I got through the door. It was ok and I did try some de- stressing breathing. I survived!!

Before that I checked with Radio Solent to see if the Cholesterol Tests had come, and had a lovely little chat to Jon Cuthill about Lunch Boxes!! The cholesterol Test came through the door just a few moments after that. I did the test and it said I had very low cholesterol but I think I might get checked out.

Tomorrow is my Mini Triathlon Challenge. 150 meter swim, 10 mins on treadmil and 4k bike ride, and a session with Wil in the gym (which is always so inspiring)

Hopefully soon we'll have some pictures from Wil's race in Lausanne. Real Triathloning!!

Someone once said that they peeled a Banana, wrapped it in cling film and put it into the freezer. When it's frozen it's like ice cream. I tried it and it is really nice! have a go!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Raspberries at the BBC

Had quite a long day today but very interesting. Had a phone call from BBC Radio Solent over the weekend to see if, as a Daisy Dieter I would come into the studios and talk about cholesterol. I didn't know much about cholesterol let alone how to spell it!!

My niece very kindly, at a time that doesn't register with either of us, came to take me to Southampton. We had a chat to the lovely Jon Cuthill on the Breakfast Show and discussed the pros and cons of using advertised, branded products which claim to help lower your cholesterol level.

We were supposed to have a cholesterol test done there and then but the test didn't arrive so that can be done soon. In the studio someone had brought in a carrier bag of food that may help lower cholesteral levels. Porrridge Oats, Garlic, Orange, Raspberries, Benecol Yoghurt drinks and spread, Flora Pro Active Spread, Nuts and Raisins. I think the Benecol and Flora products are quite expensive and can be used as part of a diet but often contain a lot of sugar and additives. For instance Lucy was saying Olivio spread would be very good but in it's original state it would be green and that wouldn't sell, so it is processed to become the accepted colour. All of us in the studio Jon, Lucy Warhurst(Radio Solent Presenter and Weather Info), Ken and I hadn't eaten for 9 hours, as required before taking a cholesterol test, so - talking about all this food was quite hard. As soon as we were off air we tucked into the punnet of raspberries. Ken is another Daisy Dieter and we have decided to perservere with natural healthy foods like fruit, veg, oats, virgin olive oil, seeds, nuts, wholemeal pasta and rice and bread and raspberries!!

I found this information on a BBC Health site. it gives basic info on cholesterol.

What is cholesterol?
Without cholesterol your body wouldn't work: it's vital to ensure the body's normal function. Like specialised bricks, it forms part of the outer membrane which surrounds every cell. It's used to insulate nerve fibres (and so make nerve signals travel properly) and make hormones, which carry chemical signals around the body.
Too much cholesterol in the blood, however, increases the risk of coronary heart disease and disease of the arteries.

Cholesterol and food

One of the biggest misconceptions people have is that food is packed with cholesterol. In fact, very little cholesterol is found in foods, the main culprits being eggs, offal and shellfish.
What's important in your shopping basket is the type of fat in the food you choose, especially saturated fat. Once inside the body, the liver turns this fat into cholesterol.

Lipoprotein levels
Knowing your cholesterol level isn't, on its own, enough to tell you what your personal risk of heart disease is. You also need to know about lipoproteins. These are special molecules that carry or transport cholesterol around the body.
There are three main types:

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) - often known as bad cholesterol. It carries cholesterol from the liver to the cells and, if supply exceeds demand, can cause harmful build-up of cholesterol.
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) - or good cholesterol. This takes cholesterol away from the cells and back to the liver, where it's either broken down or excreted.
Triglycerides. The greatest danger is when someone has high levels of cholesterol and trigylcerides, and low levels of HDL.

What are healthy levels?
What should be accepted as healthy is controversial, even among doctors. The average total cholesterol level in the UK is 5.8 mmol/l, which is over the normal level, so does that mean that most people need to take anti-cholesterol drugs?
In recent years, we've come to realise that to decide whether an individual's cholesterol levels are dangerous, those levels need to be considered in the light of the person's overall risk of heart disease.
Cholesterol: healthy range
total cholesterol: less than 5.0mmol/l
LDL cholesterol: less than 3.0mmol/l
HDL cholesterol: more than 1.15mmol/l
triglycerides: less than 1.5 mmol/l
This overall risk is determined by a combination of factors, including age, gender, family history of heart disease, and whether they smoke, are overweight, have high blood pressure or diabetes. The higher the risk of heart disease (for example, a male smoker
with high blood pressure and diabetes has a very high risk), the greater the need to get cholesterol levels down.

and from another site...
Cholesterol in the body comes from two sources. Most cholesterol is made by the liver from various nutrients and especially from saturated fats. The liver makes just about all the cholesterol the body will ever need. Since all animals can make their own cholesterol, some cholesterol in the human body comes directly from eating animal products. These foods include meats, egg yolks, organ meats, whole milk and milk products. This cholesterol is absorbed through the intestines and added to what the liver makes. It is also known that a diet high in saturated fat seems to increase cholesterol production in the body. Therefore, reducing dietary cholesterol and fats helps to keep blood cholesterol levels within a healthy range.

After work I hopped onto a train and made my way the Brockenhurst and the Spa. Had a great session in the gym with Wil. He has designed a circuit of exercises to do a head to toe work out. It was hard work, but I am loving the challenges.
My 'Itis' has almost gone and I can more or less that hand normally.

After the gym a lovely swim. There are coloured lights under the water line of the pool and it's really pretty as you swim to watch the patterns the water makes with the coloured lights.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I Got an ..itis

Yesterday I woke up with an Alien forming in my hand. When I got off the train on Thursday there was a slight twinge in the joint under my middle finger. Thought it was just a little ache. Friday morning there was a lump the size of a small egg. I couldn't clench my fist.
Got to work after an interesting time trying to get dressed and was advised to go the doctor.
But that would be 3 times in three months and previous to that I hadn't seen a doctor for years, I don't mind these days!!
So I trotted off to the doctors to see the duty nurse and she was suitably impressed with my lump and called in the duty doctor who was also impressed. So I didn't feel a fraud and it was worth bothering.

The tendon had swollen up and I had Tendonitis.
No amputation then!
Not sure when it happened but it was just a bit of extra strain. The good news is that it doesn't need to stop me doing anything it's just a little painful.
The swelling has gone down a lot now.

It's time to put the fire service on alert as I am going to attempt to do the seaweed again tonight. Cous cous with roast veg with flaked seaweed (hopefully not charcoal this time) on top, and Chickpea Burgersl!!!!
A healthier snack than crisps if you have time, drain a tin of chickpeas soak up extra moisture by putting on a kitchen towel. Place chickpeas in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of dried herbs. Stir softly so chick peas are coated. Place on a baking tray and put into a medium heat oven for 20 mins (some may need longer, just keep an eye on them) until crispy.
Season with pepper or chilli powder and herbs.

Recipe: Chickpea Burgers

2 Tablespoons olive oil
1½ c onions, minced
garlic optional
ground cumin
3 carrots, finely chopped
2 tins drained chickpeas
1½ Tablespoon peanut butter
¼ c parsleychopped or I tablespoon dried
1/3 cup white flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
juice from ½ lemon

Heat 1 T of oil and sauté the onions over medium heat, stirring frequently, until they soften, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic, cumin, and carrot and sauté for two more minutes.
Transfer to large bowl or food processor and add the chickpeas. Mash or process until mushy. Stir in peanut butter and parsley.
Combine the flour, baking soda, and salt in the small bowl, then stir into chickpeas.
Flour your hands, shape mixture into four patties, and dust them with flour.
Fry in 1 T oil over medium-low heat for 1 minute, until just beginning to brown. Flip, fry 2 minutes, flip again, and fry 1 one minute (2 minutes total per side). Splash with a bit of lemon juice and serve.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Thank you

Aw thank you everyone for your encouraging comments, texts and e-mails. It really does spur me on. Feeling great and fired up to go onwards.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

To France and Back

Spent the afternoon at the Spa today (Am I addicted? well and truly. One of these days I will have to be surgically removed!!!). Spent the first hour swimming the channel !! Did quite a few lengths of the pool, not all at once. Meeting some nice people in the pool. Where I was so embarrassed, before to go swimming, worried that people would laugh at me, everyone there is so encouraging.
Had a quick shower and then straight into the Gym with Wil. It was great to hear about his adventures in Lausanne. He did so well.
I seemed to have missed out on the Toblerone !!!! (I wouldn't)

Had a go on the rowing machine. The one exercise I hadn't done in the gym. It was exciting rowing back from France!!!

I have one small, nice problem. I started off 10 weeks ago in the gym wearing a skirt over my leggings because I was so self conscious. My leggings, now are too big. I can't decide if it's trendy or just ridiculous. So off to buy some smaller ones tomorrow. As for the skirt it so loose I am in danger of losing it soon. Well I nearly did on the train. It got caught on the arm rest as I was getting out of the seat as the train pulled into the station, and I was catapulted back!!! I think the time is coming when it will have to go. It has covered a multitude of sins for such a long time.

Lost another 11lbs. So far 2st 11.
Was 21st 5lbs
Now 18st 7lbs
Goal to be touching 17st by next Radio Solent weigh-in October 2nd

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Had an amazing time at the Spa yesterday. I went after work and spent some time in the Gym. Wil had set us some homework to do, so I worked on that. Had the it all to myself so it didn't matter if I sweated too much or looked too much like a demented duck.
I spent an hour listening to all sorts or CDs from the collection and working my way round the various equipment.
Then I hit the steam room. This is a room which I used to pop my head around and say 'no way' but now I love. It's so peaceful and they have very relaxing music playing in the background. I was joined by a few people and we chatted but soon were just cooked enough.

After a bit of hydro therapy I had a swim. It was gorgeous. The pool is surrounded by windows and is in the heart of the New Forest and I swam as the sun set.mmmmmmmmm bliss.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Triathlon Lausanne 2oo6

Well done to Wil

who did an amazing Triathlon in the British Team at Lausanne, Switzerland. I know I am only a beginner but anyone swims, cycles and run for miles and miles, I am in awe of especially in an international arena.

On the same theme Well done to the Radio Solent Breakfast Show Crew-Jo,Ed and Vicky who ran a relay Triathlon for the Daisy Appeal. Poor Jo who had been training to swim in the sea had to abandon swimming as the waters were to stormy but made a run instead.