Yesterday was day off and guess where I spent most of it.....the Spa!!! Only a few days left now of the 12 week course with Wil so trying to make the most of it.
I had a really good sleep and woke up feeling a lot better with just a shadow of a headache.
I missed the train because there was a mad woman at the ticket office who seemed to want to know every train time of every network for the next five years, repeated several times. She was unaware of the queue building up behind her, which was quite amazing because we were all doing impatient coughs and under the breath comments, very British!!!
Got the bus to the Spa and walked up the first part of the road closely followed by a little foal who seemed to find it amusing making me walk faster!!
Got into the gym in time for a Pre

Had a good work out with Wil, my balance is still a bit wobbly

Then went for a relaxing swim.
Christine, my friend from work was coming to the Spa for a swim and chill out at 4 so I had some time to kill.
I thought I'd go for a walk around the Forest. It was a lovely afternoon. The sun was low and there was quite a strong breeze.
Jo, (was the first person I ever talked to in the Spa, when I started, she is lovely and has a wicked sen

Friends and family would now have seen the danger signs........ I am well known for getting lost. Long suffering friend Stu will often get phone calls asking him to guide me back to the right direction.
New Forest, I thought, I couldn't go too wrong because there a specific routes and paths to follow.
WRONG!! I walked for about 1 1/2 hours . The Forest was beautiful, light coming through, the trees, babbling brooks, birds singing, horse things wandering around, I expected Walt Disney to walk out at any time!!! Then discovered I was on the wrong road. I must say that the people of Brockenhurst, after they had stopped laughing, were really

I must have looked a sight as I was bright red, hot, hair wet from swimming , in leggings (never seen without a skirt in public before!!!!!).
I was due back at the Spa at 4pm and had told Wil and Jo where I was going and if I wasn't back by then I may be lost.
I thought I had found my way back onto the map and phoned into say I would be late coming back don't worry. BUT..... I asked someone else if I was going in the right direction and they told me another way.
My feet had blisters by now, as I stupidly forgot to bring socks with me and the trainer

Time to phone International Rescue . A 'Help I am lost!' text resulted in a speedy rescue. Is it a plane?, Is it a bird? No it's a Personal Trainer running from the Spa, at GBR Triathlon speed, sacrificially leaving his hot chocolate, to the rescue (I think some sort of super hero theme tune should be played in the background).
After one of Wil's shortcuts, which I should be used to because my Dad used to take us on his short cuts which usually meant walking through cowpats or going through fields with bulls,but I was grateful not to have to walk the whole way back, we got back to the Spa at 5pm. Luckily Christine had been a bit late too and was being well looked after.
We had a lovely time in the hydro therapy pool.
1 comment:
Nice one Wil - Someone who knows where they are going is always so wlecome aren't they.
An hour and a half walk! Bet you couldn't have done that a few months ago. And what a lovely place to do it.
Sorry that it's coming to an end though, you wring every last drop out!
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