Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Frozen Bananas

Today was another first.

I had a Yoga Class!!! Yasmin is the Yoga teacher at the Spa. She is a very good advert for the benefits of yoga, slim, supple , graceful and very serene.

I was afraid I might have to be carried into casualty in a permanent Lotus position. It was an amazing experience, some of the moves I couldn't do but Yasmin just adapted them for me. My breathing is a lot better than it used to be ( I remember to do it now!!!), tonight we focused on deep abdominal breathing. At one point I had my legs up a wall at 90 degrees to the rest of me, I wanted to shout 'I'm doing Yoga'. How cool!!

There were lots of stretches which really opened up the abdominal and lungs area. You become aware of your body and the relaxations part is wonderful!!I would heartily recommend anyone of any age or capability to have a go.

Before all that I decided to have a go at walking to the Spa from the station. I did it in 45 minutes, it is quite hard terrain as it is a lumpy grass verge but all adds to the cause. Then I did a shortened session in the gym and a long time in the pool - mostly relaxing.

Before that I went to the dentist. I had preparation for a crown and for the first time had no injection. I used to have such a phobia of dentists that I would have to have injections enough to feel no pain for the rest of the year, general anesthetic and a big glass of gin before I got through the door. It was ok and I did try some de- stressing breathing. I survived!!

Before that I checked with Radio Solent to see if the Cholesterol Tests had come, and had a lovely little chat to Jon Cuthill about Lunch Boxes!! The cholesterol Test came through the door just a few moments after that. I did the test and it said I had very low cholesterol but I think I might get checked out.

Tomorrow is my Mini Triathlon Challenge. 150 meter swim, 10 mins on treadmil and 4k bike ride, and a session with Wil in the gym (which is always so inspiring)

Hopefully soon we'll have some pictures from Wil's race in Lausanne. Real Triathloning!!

Someone once said that they peeled a Banana, wrapped it in cling film and put it into the freezer. When it's frozen it's like ice cream. I tried it and it is really nice! have a go!!


Evo1 said...

I'm just off to put a couple of bananas in the freezer - sounds brill.

Evo1 said...

Just had one of the frozen bananas - gorgeous - just like ice cream. I shall be passing that idea on at class - thanks daisy.