Saturday, August 19, 2006

I'm Not Wierd I'm Just Trying To Walk Properly!!

Well ummmmm!!!!!!!!! the Tinman went a bit rusty last night. I was unable to get to the Gym but I did go for an hours solid brisk walk. And I walked past the cycle
shop and the swimming pool so that kind of counts I think!!!!
Although I think I might get Learner plates and aT Shirt that says 'I'm not wierd I'm just trying to walk properly', because I do get some funny looks. In my ears I hear a little voice...Stomach on, bum in, head up, shoulders the core.. knees up, straight feet.' I'm sure I must look like the other Daisy, Daisy Duck

Next weekend is Greenbelt, which is an Arts Festival held at Cheltenham Race Course. About 22-25,000 people go and it covers most of the art disciplines, social and justice issues, music, film, music,dance of every kind. There are seminars and all kinds of experiences
I go with my friend Stu, we go nearly every year. It always feels like 'going home' because it's the most friendly place to be. We meet up with people we may only see there once a year. There is so much to do or not do. You can go to whatever you like or just chill with friends.
....Mark, Me and Stu GBRs (Greenbelt Regulars)

People appearing there to perform or speak are so diverse e.g Tracy Emmens (artist), Daniel Bedingfield (Chart Singer), Norman Kember (Hostage in Iraq earlier this year), Nick Park (responsible for Wallace and Gromit). There are bands, orchestras, theatre companies, international dance troupes, professional artists etc etc....but best of all are the friends!!!!(aw!!)

The dangerous side is.. imagine you have been outside walking, or sitting in a tent for 14 hours feeling tired, maybe cold and hungry...... and you walk past a collection of mobile vans selling, chips, crepes, pizzas, curries, all things deep fried, donuts....close your eyes and imagine the smell............ will I be able to resist!!! I must......
Stu has worked out a good menu for the weekend. So hopefully we will be armed with lots of filling things to make us strong!!!!

But I think there is a Greenbelt walkathon being arranged for those who maybe in peril near the chips.

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