Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Magic Ball

Had a quite a lazy day yesterday. Didn't feel right at all. I decided to go a bit easy on my leg and rest it a little although I did pop into Southampton for a catch up lunch with a friend I went to Uni with. I had baked potato and cottage cheese which was really filling. I think my stomach cavity must be shrinking because before I would have eaten that politely and then gone home and had a 'proper meal'.
It was good to have a chat about art 'n stuff. (I did an art degree a few years ago just scraped through!!!) neither of us have really exploded on to the art world as we
thought we might!!!
I have a project in hand to do some paintings for some very good friends for Bournemouth College which will keep me out of mischief for a while. I have many blank canvasses on the sofa waiting, which most art students will relate to as being quite a scarey prospect.

I remember my old 'Life Drawing' teacher used to come round each student and, as new students we had done very precious delicate drawings on the edge of the page, and he would scribble all over them with big, thick charcoal. "Use all the ~***** paper!" he would shout at us. So we learnt to get more confident and dive right in. That ethic has helped me in all sorts of situations!!!

He was brilliant and I loved those times. Love people who have a passion and want to pass it on.

When I got home leg was a bit sore so I took the advice of wrapping ice around it. All I had was frozen mushrooms, but they sacrificed themselves for the common good!!

After tea I sat and watched TV for a bit and realised that I hadn't watched at this time for ages because I was completely out of touch with all the soaps and Big Brother,which I don't think is particularly a bad thing!!!

And then as if by magic something stirred the Ball and it rolled across the room.It really does seem to have a life of it's own. Not sure if I am supposed to feed it !!! It beckoned me to get out of my chair and do something more useful instead...So I got the weights out and did a bit of work on the upper body with the Ball. Bingo wings are getting under control a bit now. Hopefully in time with the swimming, stretching and working with weights they will pull back up and become firmer. Like the rest of me hopefully!!!LOL

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Lol, don't you just hate it when balls have a mind of their own?!

Are you feeling any better after being on this regime for a while now?