Today we were in the Studios of Radio Solent for an update chat with the gorgeous Julian Clegg. Another Personal Trainer came in to talk about the Daisy Dieters that he was working with and they were on the other end of the phone giving their updates. Wil gave us a glowing report.
Was a bit disappointed that I didn't manage to lose the extra two pounds but I guess 3 1/2 stone not too bad in 3 months.After getting a bit lost in the BBC studios Wil gave me a lift to the Gym. We did our final session of the 12 weeks. It was a belter. Worked really hard on Cross Trainer, Weights and Balance. I said a fond farewell to the Steam Room ,Water Therapy Pools and Swimming Pool and wiped a tear as Cinderella went back to the real world.UNFORGETTABLE SUMMER 2006
How lucky was I to be picked by Radio Solent and Wil to be given a 12 week course in health and fitness at a luxury Spa in the New Forest something in a million years I would never been able to do. To be Personally Trained by a top ranked Triathlete and to enjoy the luxuries of Spa Treatment. It has changed my life. Now I am eager to be healthy and to be active. I have changed shape and size. Made two good friends in Wil and Claire.
The staff were all really lovely. I had amazing massages with Ali and Tanya. Natalie (Spa Manager), Jo and Joseph on reception were always so welcoming and fun to chat with.
I swam for the first time in 15 years in a pool I more or less had to myself most of the time and when there were people there we had good chats and laughs. Members were so friendly and I often was offered lifts to the train station.
I can't speak highly enough of the New Park Manor Spa and Gym in Brockenhurst. If you get a chance to visit do.
So a big thank you to Wil and all at the Spa you made my summer really special.

So now what....... it's not over.............. I still have 7 stone to lose. Seems a huge amount still but out of the original 15 1/2 stone to lose I am over half way.
I am determined to crack this and now all the things I've learnt have to come into play. 
I am worried about doing it without the benefits of free access to Wil, the spa and gym, but I have the Gym Ball, Weights and Band and I can walk anywhere. There really is no excuse.
I have excellent support in friends and family and monthly visits to Wil.
I must get a daily rountine going or I'll just slump in a chair after work. Got a new pair of scales today. So going to weigh myself on Mondays and report on here the result and get Wil to do a check up once a month. Also set up some goals to aim for. It would be good to be in the 16 stones by December. I am aware I may be hitting a plateau soon or the weight will slow down which is healthy. To lose 1lb/ 2lb regularly a week would be great that's about 1/2 a stone a month which means by the summer of next year I could be at a healthy weight. Thhe first time since I was about 12 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!