Had quite an active day today. Went for a 10k+ walk. I decided to walk in the opposite direction to usual (no not backwards!!) and walked up a 1 1/4 mile steep hill rather than down it. When I got to the top I realised I wasn't as fit as I thought I was and had a bit of a rough few minutes while I caught up with myself.
Feeling quite righteous I thought I'd do some core exercises on the Ball.
Always wear trainers or shoes when doing ball exercises on the carpet........

otherwise you may slip and end up with the ball going off in one direction and you on the floor with your legs up in the air. So I went for ano

Got two Goldfish today to go with the very lonely one I already had. One is in training and he, (I think, not sure how you tell) , spends all his time speed swimming. He is called 'Wilbur'!!!! the other is a lovely mottled silvery colour and she/he is called Daisy. The original one is called Plato, he is looking a bit bemused by his new tank-mates. I shall keep you updated with all the drama in the tank!!!!!
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