Well I have my new swimming costume. How cool a Speedo Endurance one, a 'proper one'!! If I haven't already told you yet. I got a bit over excited at going to a sports shop and buying something off the peg. I shall no longer be an embarrassment in the pool, well not because of my costume anyway!!!

Had a bit of a bad night, raging headache and I was a bit worried about work and a new takeover, not sure what to do!!!! I was awake early and thought I'd might as well go for a walk. Not usually a morning person and wake up during the morning and find myself at work. The walk did me a power of good. Got very wet but I really enjoyed it, I had my music on and was singing away merrily while no one was around. I came home and had a lovely refreshing bath and got to work feeling good .
Next week the clocks change and I come back into my bodyclock time zone and feel more in tune with the world. I will be more awake earlier so may use that time to do walks in the morning too.
Neil seems to think the new takeover is a positive thing:
I met one of the new bosses today from Texas he was very nice. I think they seem to want to work in partnership rather than a take over
Let's hope that is the case, then.
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