Happy Birthday to Claire fellow member of Team Wil. She has done brilliantly well losing a stone and 11 cms of her middle, and a loss of 4% body fat. Not easy with a busy lifestyle and two small children in the family
Congratulations Claire

We're on the Radio on Monday from 8.30 a.m.. Radio Solent are going to try and get more people involved with Daisy Dieting. You can listen live on line.... www.bbc.co.uk/england/radiosolent
I think we are going to be joining up with some other groups too. ooooooooooo
Do you know when you have those days when everyone seems to have left the universe except you and those who are left behind are just wierd, today is one of those. Maybe because I had fig and bran smoothie for breakfast yesterday, and sprouts and lentils for tea. Maybe I have been blasted onto a different stratasphere. Had some really wierd customers asking for all sorts and one who decided to sing opera in the shop.
Many may not know that I am internationlly trained water giver for Marathons etc. (this has taken me many minutes of training) Winchester has a marathon on Sunday so I maybe putting my cup holding hand out for the runners. Available for Triathlons, Marathons and Barmitzvars
Had a good session in the gym after my MOT. Things that used to be a challenge are now just part of the circuit. Things I thought I'd never do I'm doing!!! It's so cool having Wil to chat to as he puts me through my paces, although he doesn't watch Dr Who, how wierd is that!!
Then had a gorgeous back massage with Tania. Soooooooooooooooo relaxing. Warm oils, soft lighting, dreamy music, being pampered and a good chat about all sorts of things.
On the way into the Spa there were pigs!!! Well one big one and lots little ones. They are there to eat up all the acorns that are falling at the moment. They were so sweet, how can people eat them !!!! LOL
Today is the end of the 12 week course with Wil (apart from Monday), so it is weighing and measuring day. On Monday it's the public weigh-in at Radio Solent, considering how I felt the first time I went there, I really look forward to it now
I am a bit worried about flying the security of the nest. Having the support of a fantastic team at New Park Manor and the opportunity to go to the Spa and Gym when ever I wanted. I will do my Oscar winning speach on here on Monday. I have tried to wring out (as Evo puts it), every experience possible from these 12 weeks, maybe a bit too enthusiastically at times. Poor Wil has to face barrages of questions, texts and e-mails in my attempt to get as much info out of him as possible. Persistant eh!! He is a national treasure though!!
So now I have to apply all things I've learnt into an everyday routine. Going to touch base with Wil twice a month. I need to keep the swimming up, and do lots of walking and hopefully we can work out a home fitness session. The Ball, weights and Exercise Band await!!!I'm with Radio Solent till April. Hoping to do some 'Race for Lifes' next summer. The healthy eating I think is now so installed in me I think that has become second nature.
The Big Bosses are at the Spa today and Natalie (Spa Manager) has been working hard on a presentation. I'll have to resist doing my 'Bubbles' (Little Britain) impersonation, or walking around with notices saying'This Spa is Fab and the Staff are amazing!!"
Found this article on the BBC Health Site. Taken highlights from it. Shocking stuff. I often used to eat a 6 pack a day.
Half of UK children "drink" almost five litres of cooking oil every year as a result of their pack-a-day crisp habit, experts warn.After one of Wil's shortcuts, which I should be used to because my Dad used to take us on his short cuts which usually meant walking through cowpats or going through fields with bulls,but I was grateful not to have to walk the whole way back, we got back to the Spa at 5pm. Luckily Christine had been a bit late too and was being well looked after.
We had a lovely time in the hydro therapy pool.
The next weigh- in is October 2nd at Radio Solent , just over a week away and the updates on that part of Daisy's life goes on till April 2007. Then world domination, I guess!!!!
Today was another first.
I had a Yoga Class!!! Yasmin is the Yoga teacher at the Spa. She is a very good advert for the benefits of yoga, slim, supple , graceful and very serene.
I was afraid I might have to be carried into casualty in a permanent Lotus position. It was an amazing experience, some of the moves I couldn't do but Yasmin just adapted them for me. My breathing is a lot better than it used to be ( I remember to do it now!!!), tonight we focused on deep abdominal breathing. At one point I had my legs up a wall at 90 degrees to the rest of me, I wanted to shout 'I'm doing Yoga'. How cool!!
There were lots of stretches which really opened up the abdominal and lungs area. You become aware of your body and the relaxations part is wonderful!!I would heartily recommend anyone of any age or capability to have a go.
Before all that I decided to have a go at walking to the Spa from the station. I did it in 45 minutes, it is quite hard terrain as it is a lumpy grass verge but all adds to the cause. Then I did a shortened session in the gym and a long time in the pool - mostly relaxing.
Before that I went to the dentist. I had preparation for a crown and for the first time had no injection. I used to have such a phobia of dentists that I would have to have injections enough to feel no pain for the rest of the year, general anesthetic and a big glass of gin before I got through the door. It was ok and I did try some de- stressing breathing. I survived!!
Before that I checked with Radio Solent to see if the Cholesterol Tests had come, and had a lovely little chat to Jon Cuthill about Lunch Boxes!! The cholesterol Test came through the door just a few moments after that. I did the test and it said I had very low cholesterol but I think I might get checked out.
Tomorrow is my Mini Triathlon Challenge. 150 meter swim, 10 mins on treadmil and 4k bike ride, and a session with Wil in the gym (which is always so inspiring)
Hopefully soon we'll have some pictures from Wil's race in Lausanne. Real Triathloning!!
Someone once said that they peeled a Banana, wrapped it in cling film and put it into the freezer. When it's frozen it's like ice cream. I tried it and it is really nice! have a go!!
After a bit of hydro therapy I had a swim. It was gorgeous. The pool is surrounded by windows and is in the heart of the New Forest and I swam as the sun set.mmmmmmmmm bliss.
Well done to Wil
who did an amazing Triathlon in the British Team at Lausanne, Switzerland. I know I am only a beginner but anyone swims, cycles and run for miles and miles, I am in awe of especially in an international arena.
On the same theme Well done to the Radio Solent Breakfast Show Crew-Jo,Ed and Vicky who ran a relay Triathlon for the Daisy Appeal. Poor Jo who had been training to swim in the sea had to abandon swimming as the waters were to stormy but made a run instead.