Saturday, September 29, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Had another great session in Bournemouth although we had to dodge all the paraphernalia that goes with the town hosting the Labour Party Conference. Police everywhere and all drains and post boxes taped up. Amazing police horses they look very impressive.
We trained up on the westcliff, doing a bit of power walking in interval training and some press ups. Will, on bike, recovering from Sunday,( I don't think I would be able to move for a month
after doing that kind of race), me racing on ahead, well.....more like trotting behind, asking him about the inner workings of muscles!! We did a bit of sparring and, a new feature of star jumps in between. Good work out love the feeling of being out of breath and glowy
The rain passed by but the clouds were very heavy all around.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Early one morning just as the day was dawning...

Still smiling after swimming , cycling and running
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Oi Vey

This picture kind of sums up how I'm feeling today!!!
Got my operation date, 17th October and getting nervous, especially when they say they have to wire me to an ECG because I have a heart murmur and having a general anaesthetic scares me a bit.
Hopefully my Nephew-in-law is having the same kind of op on the same day in the same place!!!
He's an old hand at this kind of thing.
It'll be good to get it done
Had a day of sorting out finances too. So that's all done.
Sunday, September 16, 2007

The hills are alive.............
Had a nice relaxing morning then it was off for a 'speedy' walk and the St Catherine's Hill challenge. St Catherine's hill has always been a challenge. When we were children our parents took us up there to let off steam. Later in life the hill became something to be avoided, I found it really hard climbing up the steep slopes and steps. The views from the top are stunning so someti
There is a bench half way up that was always a godsend and a welcome rest for all types that needed a breather.
Decided to try and measure the time it takes me to get from the entrance gate of the hill to the highest point of the hill.
Managed it in 8.50 mins
There is great walk through to the hill passing th rough the water meadows. So all in all had a good time this afternoon.
Going to set myself a challenge to see if I can swim 1k in one go.

StCatherine's Hill
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Snoodles at Wagamamas

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Decided on a different look!!
This is my gorgeous Godson
It's been a bit of a tough week at work getting a bit stressed but the exercise is going well. It really helps in the evening to go and bash out on the Cross Trainer or with some Free Weights. The endorphins kick and then you feel you take on the world!!!
The knee op is getting ever closer. Should be at the end of October. Not looking forward to it but it would be good to get it over with. May have to have other knee investigated too as it has a dramatic click!!
Had a great time last night in the weights room. All the big boys lifting their 40ks were really friendly and didn't laugh at me picking up my 4k as it it was 40k.
I used to feel really shy and intimidated going up there but they are quite friendly. Sometimes I look in the mirror and see all these people behind me doing all sorts of wondrous things. Leg and arms in the air balancing and lifting weights, making amazing noises, great entertainment beats sitting in watching TV and eating cake (well almost!!!)
Having an 'M.O.T' on Friday at the gym. Where they measure everything, statistix, lung capacity, fat %, etc there are about 20 tests. I have had some of the tests already with Will!! Thought it would be good to experience it as I may have to do some on other people one day. I have become a bit of an 'experience' junkie. Want to learn as much as I can.
Got PT tomorrow.. Hurray!!!
And then off with gorgeous Stu to Wagamamas for some Japanese food, which by all accounts is gorgeous and healthy.
Thursday, September 06, 2007