Saturday, September 01, 2007

What a lovely day our family had today. David my nephew got married to Sarah, We had a gathering of the family clan, even Aunty Mary from Australia came over.

My sister and brother in law's house became the centre of operations and they had many extra people sleeping all over their house last night.
David wore the Ancient Oliphant Tartan of the Kinloch clan. Wee Harry stole the show a few times.

The highlights for me were
Sitting around the big dining table all together eating homemade lentil soup.
All the family looking really good
The Winchester Cathedral Choir boy doing a solo by John Rutter
Being so proud of my nephew
Sarah's dress was lovely
Pictures (lots of them) being taken in the Dean of Winchester's garden
David playing clarinet in his fantastic jazz band, for a few sets before the barn dance.

My baby Godson gradually falling asleep on me as I sung quietly in his ear

Laughing lots at people dancing square and circle dances

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