I spent most of today in Bournemouth. In the morning I went to Premier International, where I will be doing a course in January, to sit in on one of the classes. I am really looking forward to the course even though I had a little panic attack last night. It was just nerves. I still can't get over the fact that a few years ago you'd have to pay me to get off the sofa and now I am entering the fitness and health industry....!!!!
The tutors soon put at my ease. We had a good chat and observed one of the classes in the Sports Massage module and the tutor managed to make the subjects of Health and Safety Act and Insurance into a fun, interactive lesson.
It was a good experience and I really enjoyed my morning there.
At 12 Will came to Littledown and we did a PT session outside. There is a measured mile track in the grounds of the leisure centre, with conveniently placed steps, climbing bars to do press ups etc on. There are specially placed trees where we walk to one and jog to the next. It's clever how they've planted them just at the right distance for me to jog to!! As I may have said before I love every minute of it even if I haven't quite got the hang of everything.
Will his now an Elite Athlete and will be taking part in the London Duathlon on Sunday. So you see I am being trained by the best!!
Good Luck Will
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