Thursday, August 30, 2007

Today I went for my first PT session with Wil under his new venture Nine Personal Training.

We started our session outside the Westover Yacht Club and then briskly walked up to Durley Chine and Park. It's a lovely part of Bournemouth. We did a bit of jogging and then made use of the benches around for Triceps presses and press ups. We looked the part, I had my 'Nine' Shirt on and Wil had his running gear and multifunctional rucksack (which is a bit like Mary Poppin's bag, it had all but a muti- gym in it!!).

Had a sparring session on top of the hill. In all a very good work out. I really enjoyed it, it's great improvising and being outside in such beautiful surroundings, very exciting.
Hadn't done much exercise for the last week so I was quite out of condition but got my shot of inspiration and motivation and we're on the trail again!!

G G G Greenbelt

Had a great weekend at Greenbelt. It's so good we meet up with friends , some we haven't seen since the last Greenbelt and carry on as if we had been together al the time. There are loads of talks, bands, theatre productions, arts in all sorts of ways but the best thing of all is spending time with friends.

I went with the fab 4 - Stu, his parents Reg and Maureen and Mark. My pictures were a bit shakey but you can see loads of them here

I was led astray again in the Organic Beer Tent. I tried Peri, a cider made from Pears. I could get used to given time but I think I mistake cider for Appelade, it never tastes how I expect!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cos I am going to be away for the long weekend I want to wish Personal Trainer Wil all the best for the launch of his new venture 'Nine Personal Training'. He leaves New Park on Friday to become a fitness tycoon

I've been trained by Wil for over a year and I can honestly say it's changed my life as you may have gathered from this blog. So I can heartily recommend him (contact details to follow)

He's part of the British Triathlon Team, so is a good all rounder, and specialises in Sport Injury Prevention and Massage and weight management.

He also does Spinning classes in the Bournemouth's Littledown Recreation Centre.
I think the class have made their first blanket!!!!
Anyway..... well done Wil and Good Luck

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I was wondering what to have for dinner today and low an angel from Facebook drew me this...ans this is what I ate

Friday, August 17, 2007

Angels in Fluorescents

First of all had a good session with Wil. Learning lots at the moment. Hopefully I am going to do a course in Personal Training in January in Bournemouth, so my task is to tap his considerable knowledge on fitness.
Yoga didn't happen as a slight mishap with texts!!

Yesterday I nearly had to call International Rescue again.
I decided in a family tradition way to take a short cut. I try to walk to the Spa for my session with Wil. I knew it was wet so I took a spare set of gym gear with me, which in the end was a good job.
I walk thorough the village and then usually go around some allotments to the left and join up with a pathway that leads to New Park Manor. Well yesterday I decided to go to the right thinking I would cut off a corne
r. I found myself following a stream which I thought would be jumpable and eventually take me to the path. I followed the stream no sign of it getting shallower, couldn't see where I was or where I had been so decided to cross the stream which was a lot deeper than I thought. I crossed some heather land and realised I was completely lost and disorientated. There were no landmarks apart from trees and horses. I started to panic and phoned a friend. As usual gorgeous Stu was on hand to calm me down.
I was wandering around and in danger of getting more and more lost. As I was talking to Stu I suddenly noticed two joggers in fluorescent jackets running in a straight line and thought that must be the path.
So I made my way in that direction the ground was really soggy but seeing I already had wet feet just plodded through. It was the path and all was well. Not sure what would have happened if I hadn't seen them. I imagined St Bernard dogs, helicopters etc or just in hundreds of years being found as the 'Bog Woman of the Forest' by Time Team!!!

I could hear my Dad laughing at me because his short cuts were legendary in our family. As children we were often walked across bull and cow pat infested fields under the promise of a shortcut!!
Anyway very grateful the fluorescent ones.
And I learnt my lesson to stick to the path.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Did I mention I was going to be Godmother to Harry!!!!

Still working hard on exercise. Had a bit of a fall on Saturday when I went swimming and did a version of Swan Lake on the changing room floor and hurt my knee a bit. If I don't have the operation soon it's going to fall off anyway!!

Saturday was a bad day. Moral at work really low and I felt a bit down and then a big black headache swept over me.

Oh.... about the headaches.... going to see Yasmin tomorrow, at New Park, who is a yoga expert and I am going to have a session with her to learn the basics of relaxation. I have met her before and she is lovely. Looking forward to that.

Also have a session with Wil before hand which is always great.

Wil is setting out on his own soon, which is quite scarey for him but he'll thrive on it and is already getting well organised. Richard Branson watch out!!I seem to be a bit accident prone at the moment!! I got to the gym at 6.30 am this morning. I though it was all a dream till I took a drink and fell off the cross trainer... not with much grace either. was very early a.m.. Didin't do much exercise yesterday cos we were celebrating Andrew's 18th and may have eaten a little too much.... so I am trying i bit harder today.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Tonight we had a family gathering for Nephew Andrew's 18th birthday. Now to be a bit auntish.....I have got the best Nephews and Nieces in all the world. I love spending time with them and the rest of the family

But it doesn't seem that long ago I was bouncing Andrew on my knee (sorry Andy don't want to ruin the street cred) and now he's all growed up.

So we took over a restaurant and demolished most of the menu!! And we managed to embarrass the birthday boy with the public humiliation of singing Happy Birthday and candlelit cake

Little H came too. He is so cute and he asked me today if I would be his Godmother. I said yes, he may change his mind when I go to his naming ceremony in my pink fluffy dress and wings!! I am so chuffed he is so gorgeous and we had a really fun time tonight.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Radio Solent In Winchester

The BBC Radio Solent bus rolled into town today. It was great to see Vicky (right) and Matt again. It was only a year ago when we all met for the first time, so much has happened in between. While I was there one of the weather presenters from South Today TV show, Georgie (below) made an appearance.

And the gorgeous 'Interactive' Matt was there too....

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Really good recipes on Soobees Kitchen Table today.
Anybody got anymore? In need of inspiration

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

It's all going very well...this 12 weeks intensive...

Finding I've got more energy and I'm able to fit more into the day.

Went swimming before work today. I find it better when I go in my Speedo disguise. Swimming hat goggles and speedo costume. I get into the speedo zone and plough my way through the water. The first few lengths I have to stop and have rests and persuade myself that I am really doing a good thing. The waking up process takes place and then I realise that there are other people in the pool as well and I begin to stick to my side of the lane.
Having a swimming hat makes you feel quite enclosed and in your own little world...or is that because it's a bit tight. My vision is tinged with pink as I have LADEEEE goggles. After the 5-6 length I'm off and up for the channel. My breathing is better.....the fact that I do it is quite good!! I do 1 in 3 after a while it is quite relaxing and you begin to watch the underwater

Off to Wil's session tonight, looking forward to that. It's a bit of a long day but it's all good...

Saturday, August 04, 2007

All this in just half an hours walk

As I've said a few days ago I am starting to do 1/2 hour walks at dinnetimes. Today was a gorgeous day. I am very lucky to live in a beautiful city and these are a few of the photos I took on my walk today.


Look at this boy training for his first triathlon.

So cute my Great Nephew Harry

Friday, August 03, 2007

Triceps and Chest Day the gym this evening. Fridays are quite quiet so I get to play on the machines


Went for a walk with Ema after work. We did the 10k walk I do on sundays. Although we walked at quite a pace still chatted all the way which is a good sign.

Also did core exercises


Had another great session with Wil, reviewed homework, looked at some of the difficulties I had in last weeks exercises and sorted them!

It's good to have teaching on hand, learning why muscles do things then seeing it all in action.
I made some houmous and falafel for him to try, trouble is after being in a tuperware box in the fridge overnight and then for a few hours in my bag, when he opened them I think the smell on the Middle East nearly knocked him out!!! Actually it reminded me of my sister's kitchen, she lives in Turkey

Had a lovely walk back through the forest. It was a bit like a Disney cartoon with squirells running up tree, birds singing, ponies, donkies, and cows wandering around.

And then to shatter all that a Scout master wth an evil twinkle in his eye shooting paintballs randomly at scouts.

Some Jubilee jamboree thing going on in the Forest, thousands of kids running around doing outward bound stuff.

Set up for another week. Same exercises before but making sure I complete all of them. More about muscle endurance than the weight.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Sorry about the scary picture yesterday, despite Freebie seeing a comparison between me and a cyberman the hair has settled down into it's usual 'life of it's own' mess.

Had a slightly tense day at work yesterday resulting in bad headache. I've taken to walking at dinner times for half an hour which really helps, especially as the weather has been lovely over the last few days.

I have a beautiful walk along the water meadows and weirs. Already I have recognised regulars maybe ought to set up a dinner time walking group.

Early swim... really need to have the pool on my own, it gets busy and I get whacked just cos I swim in a 'creative' straight line.
Did a session at the gym last night. It was Biceps and Back day. I was doing some bicep curls on the gym ball and accidentally fell off. Which didn't really go with my 'I know what I 'm doing' image and the gym was full of muscle men huffing and puffing. So I gave them a look as if to say - you dare laugh!! I picked myself up and made it look as if it was part of an exercise they obviously hadn't seen before!! Oh well - feet firmly planted on the floor!!

This week is going really well in fitness terms. I feel much more in control of things and quite excited about the future ( more to be revealed).

Today is Core day (or CAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! day to me and Gorgeous Stu) with some Cardio work.

I have been practicing some core work at work. Standing on one leg and twisting as I put books on shelves and stuff on steps, whilst holding my buttocks and stomach. Maybe that's why we're not getting many customers at the moment!!
Tomorrow I'm off to see the Guru of fitness armed with homework, questions and a new recipe......... this is your chance to hide Wil!!!.