This morning I went to the Orthopaedics Clinic. My knee was a bit sore this morning after walking 10k yesterday. But that just reinforced the incentive to get it sorted out.
The specialist, a very nice man, asked me loads of questions and I gave him a brief history of my knees...fascinating eh!!!!!!!!
I told him being knocked over by a car and the Pigs (see December Blogs). I told him my knee had got a lot worse after the being attacked by pigs. He tried not to laugh but giggles escaped as he tried to ask me to tell him about it. He said he would have great fun dictating that one to his secretary.
He looked at my knees, which are still carrying quite a bit of fat, and tried to say in the most polite way, that it was difficult to see if they were swollen!!! Then I sat on the edge of the bed and he did a few tests, then I lay on the bed and he tested flexibility, clickability and hurtability!!! There were a few times I tried to say politely in a polite way.."ooh that's a bit sore!!"
He turned and prodded the knee joint obviously knowing exactly what he was looking for. At one point he turned it at an angle and then bent it and we all knew that was where it hurt!!
There was something definitely clicking and moving about in there.
His conclusion was that I had probably got a torn cartilage and a part of it was flicking into the knee joint every now and then and was causing a problem.
He said that it wouldn't necessarily get worse but would hinder. I am to have a MRI scan (I thought they made furniture) , and it could be fixed if needed!!!!!!!!!! That was music to my ears..I have been so aware of people on crutches and zimmer frames ...I so don't want to end up there!!
So now I have to wait for an appointment for MRI scan (I'm not sure if it's one of those tubes you go in and get microwaved. Not really worried about it just want to get it sorted.
I have been feeling a bit lazy. Don't feel on top of exercise although I did a longish walk yesterday it's not as regular as it has been. Going to see the fitness Guru tomorrow. Need to do the exercise to help with weight loss...knees a'willing
Determined to lose more weight must not not become complacent. Hopefully next goal is for a week on Thursday weigh-in. Then want to have lost at least 6 stone by the time next Radio Solent appearance, last weigh in I had lost 5 1/2 stone. Then next time I see Orthopaedics and then I would love to be in the 13 stones by Greenbelt (August 2007). 2 stone in 5 months should happen!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be so fab