I managed 25 minutes on Treadmill, 15 mins on XTrainer and 15 mins on Rower, although the rower kept getting stuck on it's slide and then another 30 mins on Treadmill. It's not as m
uch fun on my own but I had The Fratellas, Kylie, Erasure, Scissor Sisters etc helping me through it. I had the remix of 'I Should Be So Lucky' on, and I had to stop myself singing at the top of my voice and doing a Kylie dance!!!

I have got over my awkwardness at being in the gym. I still, sometimes think of myself as 26 stone and wait for people to point and laugh at me as I step onto the Treadmill, but no one takes a blind bit of notice, and for once I don't mind!!!
I had a very nice view, there was a gorgeous man on the Treadmill in front of me, but however fast I walked I didn't catch him!!!
Knee seems to be holding up, a bit sensative but it hasn't locked for a week now, I just have to be really careful how I use it. I have in my ears all the time the little voice of Wil...'where are your feet!!!' Need to constantly check they are straight, front facing, even when I am waiting to cross the road or sitting watching TV. Trying to remember not to cross legs or do the Can-Can. I have my Orthopeadics appointment confirmed for the 12th Feb.
Baby Oscar is now settled and safe at his new home!!!
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