Had a lovely day today. Woke up to find that we had actually had some snow. The road outside looked like a scene from a Christmas Card. I long for snow every year preferably Christmas week but I don't mind anytime!

Later in the morning I set off to see the newest member of Team Wil, Baby Oscar. He is the cutest thing ever. So tiny - well he is only a 11 days old. It was so amazing just to watch his face as he was sleeping lots of little expressions coming through.
I think he is keeping his Mum and Dad entertained, especially when he goes nocturnal. Like a little Koala bear he likes nothing better than to curl up on either parents chest and snooze, bless him.
On Monday I have an appointment with the Orthopaedics Clinic. I am a bit worried about what they will say and also if they poke around and move my knees to much in the wrong direction, I'll end up crawling out of the surgery!!
It will be interesting to hear what they have to say I have kind of put any major exercise on hold for a while in case I do more damage. I'm longing to be able to jog and do some stamina exercises
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