Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Friday, January 19, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007
I am alright going forwards walking, light jogging, rowing (on the machine haven't tried a boat yet!!), swimming but on occasions a slight movement where my knee joint goes in a funny position and it goes into a spasmy type thing and it really hurts (notice all the medical terms!!)
So many people have been telling me to go to a doctor and yesterday I did. I was so glad I did. I have real phobia of hospitals and doctors and in the past they have never told me anything I didn't already know and always gave me a hard time about my weight, quite rightly too. I also remember bad times when I couldn't bare to see my Dad all wired up in hospital. I built quite a big fear of going to see anyone medical but that was dispersed yesterday as I got on the right side of the medical 'law' and was given loads of encouragement too. Thank goodness she said to me to carry on with training and exercise, I think she thought I might be wanting to give up exercise...AS IF
I have to be referred to the Orthopaedics (just getting to learn how to spell that!!) clinic. Now that was like getting through to MI5!! I first had to go upstairs and answer a whole load of questions for the computer and then they gave me a piece of paper with a code word which 007 would have been proud of.. something to do with Mustard. The first they gave me was a booklet on which hospital I would like to chose. What was important to me location or cleanliness!!!!

They were telling me how the government had to refer me from a GP...so I'll watch Prime Ministers Question Time to see if I'm mentioned!!!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Goggles and Giggles

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Thursday, January 04, 2007
It's 2007

Funniest picture of 2006 Christmas is my God Cat - Osca( well, Stu wouldn't let me take her home when she was tiny and I was consoled by becoming Godmother to a cat!!!)
If you look very carefully in the middle of the tree there are a pair of bright eyes, convinced that this is now her new home and playground. Not sure what will happen after Christmas maybe the tree will have to become a permanent fixture.
Went back to New Park and into the gym with Wil for the first time this year. It's only been 2 weeks but a lot has happened in those weeks. I haven't put weight on (nor taken any off!!) and my exercise sessions were a bit erratic. It was good to see Wil again, he is on stand-by awaiting the birth of his and Kath's baby due 15th January. Very exciting.
We did some work on the Treadmill, Cross Trainer and the Rowing Machine, sit- ups on the gym ball and worked on the nursery stages of getting to lift legs horizontally off the floor to 45 % . I got all motivated up again.
I did my impression of 'Jaws' in the pool. For the first time I didn't do any breast stroke and found front crawl the better stroke, although I need to sort out a lot of detail there still.

I tried to do a few lengths just kicking my legs, but apart from nearly drowning I don't seem to move forwards, if anything I go backwards. I could create a whole new stoke!!
Note to self - don't put SPEEDOS in washing machine, they shrink a bit, took me a while to push everything into the right places!!!
So it's 'back to it' with fervour. Next Thursday will be weigh in day. I need to get back into weight loss mode, so hopefully I will have lost some by then and I'm going to have a go at another Mini Triathlon on Tuesday.
Yay -here we go- here we go- here we go