Had a good time in the gym yesterday. I'm having a fair bit of trouble with my left knee. I was hit by a car about 6 years ago and my knees were a bit damaged and then I went up to my heaviest weight of 26 st 10 which isn't good for anyone's knees let alone already damaged ones.
I am alright going forwards walking, light jogging, rowing (on the machine haven't tried a boat yet!!), swimming but on occasions a slight movement where my knee joint goes in a funny position and it goes into a spasmy type thing and it really hurts (notice all the medical terms!!)
So many people have been telling me to go to a doctor and yesterday I did. I was so glad I did. I have real phobia of hospitals and doctors and in the past they have never told me anything I didn't already know and always gave me a hard time about my weight, quite rightly too. I also remember bad times when I couldn't bare to see my Dad all wired up in hospital. I built quite a big fear of going to see anyone medical but that was dispersed yesterday as I got on the right side of the medical 'law' and was given loads of encouragement too. Thank goodness she said to me to carry on with training and exercise, I think she thought I might be wanting to give up exercise...AS IF
I have to be referred to the Orthopaedics (just getting to learn how to spell that!!) clinic. Now that was like getting through to MI5!! I first had to go upstairs and answer a whole load of questions for the computer and then they gave me a piece of paper with a code word which 007 would have been proud of.. something to do with Mustard. The first they gave me was a booklet on which hospital I would like to chose. What was important to me location or cleanliness!!!!

They were telling me how the government had to refer me from a GP...so I'll watch Prime Ministers Question Time to see if I'm mentioned!!!
I am alright going forwards walking, light jogging, rowing (on the machine haven't tried a boat yet!!), swimming but on occasions a slight movement where my knee joint goes in a funny position and it goes into a spasmy type thing and it really hurts (notice all the medical terms!!)
So many people have been telling me to go to a doctor and yesterday I did. I was so glad I did. I have real phobia of hospitals and doctors and in the past they have never told me anything I didn't already know and always gave me a hard time about my weight, quite rightly too. I also remember bad times when I couldn't bare to see my Dad all wired up in hospital. I built quite a big fear of going to see anyone medical but that was dispersed yesterday as I got on the right side of the medical 'law' and was given loads of encouragement too. Thank goodness she said to me to carry on with training and exercise, I think she thought I might be wanting to give up exercise...AS IF
I have to be referred to the Orthopaedics (just getting to learn how to spell that!!) clinic. Now that was like getting through to MI5!! I first had to go upstairs and answer a whole load of questions for the computer and then they gave me a piece of paper with a code word which 007 would have been proud of.. something to do with Mustard. The first they gave me was a booklet on which hospital I would like to chose. What was important to me location or cleanliness!!!!

They were telling me how the government had to refer me from a GP...so I'll watch Prime Ministers Question Time to see if I'm mentioned!!!
So i have been provisionally booked in for Monday 12th Feb but they said they had to check that with the doctors and then they'll let me know. What a palaver!!!!
I still am causing great entertainment with my swimming. I showed Wil what happens when I kick without using my arms and I go backwards. He kindly let me borrow his float but I just can't work out why I don't go forwards
Re the swimming problem, are you any good at getting corks out of wine bottles or do you just end up pushing them further in lol.
Hope your knee is soon ship shape again.
Thank you Evo
I can do many wonders with corks
You should see my party piece!!!
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