She has lost 33.5k (5 1/4 st) and has recently got into
Triathlons. It's well worth a read to see how much one year can make a difference.

Meanwhile Wil has gone off for Paternity leave to date I don't think the baby has come. He must be really fed up with people keep asking so I'll try and be patient.
Had a Fab day with gorgeous Stu yesterday. We watched a film and I'm sure we both had something in our eyes at the end!!!
God-cat Osca was sweet too she allowed me a cuddle for nearly a minute before escaping.
Yesterday had a bit of a watershed feeling about it. I'm not sure what happened because I was really strong over Christmas and lost 1/2 a stone, but on Wednesday I had a bowt of comfort eating. It was all healthy stuff but just loads of it. Things at work were getting me down and other people seem to have escape plans in action and I hadn't, but that's no excuse really. Anyway had loads of fun yesterday and felt a lot emotionally lighter if not physically when I got home.
I read Skinny Latte's Blog and was inspired to keep going (not that I was going to give up but maybe I'm just a little 'Battle of the Bulge fatigued).
Now it's no more whinging and just getting on with it.
Went swimming before work today, which was good. Managed 100m crawl (4 lengths) with no stopping, which doesn't sound too much but when I started at New Park Manor a 16m length in crawl made me so out of breath.
And people who know me will know this is a good sign..... I have a new note book to use as progress report!!! My old one got a bit complicated with notes everywhere. I'll keep the old one though as lots of personal fitness history in it...oh and of course 'Things to Ask Wil pages'
Resting Heart Rate (first thing in the morning when I'm not sure if I have one so it's good to check I'm still alive!!)
Hours Sleep
Muscles.. how they feeling, any strains etc
Motivation - to see when I dip and if it carries a patten
Food - Did I eat any!!!
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