If motivation was given in bucket loads, today I 've had gallons. As you may have read last time I had a difficult few days with stress and tensions but today I was at Manor Park, Brockenhurst so it was bound to be a good day.
I did the Mini Triathlon. The swim went quite well I am picking up speed gradually. The distances were twice as far as the last Minier Triathlons. I am in awe of anyone who does the full amount. Someone was on the bike when I got into the Gym so I went on to the Treadmil instead. I walked at 5.9-6.2k per hour and walked for 2k. I really wanted to do it in 20 mins and did a little sprint (in walky joggy kind of way). Then on to the bike. I did 8k but I found it really hard. Wil was really cool feeding me bits of apple and water as I went round the bend in the Alps. He also had something that the proffessionals use, a gel which you take a swig of and it gives you a quick energy burst. It really helped. I was going to give up at 4k but I did the whole 8. I think it might be the hardest I've ever pushed myself physically to do. I was so chuffed I got to the 8k
300 meters swim - 11 mins 30 secs
Treadmill 2k - 20 mins 37 secs
Bike 8k - 22 mins 44 secs
I had yet to do the session with Wil in the Gym, he suggested I went for a relaxing swim and time in the pool and then come back . I don't have to be told twice with my new, one size smaller than the first one, I went to the stream room and the bubbles mmmmmm heavenly.
Back in the Gym we had a visit from Wil's sister and nephew. That was a lovely surprise to meet them. The Nephew is cute and Wil was helping him to have a little go on the Treadmil and the bike, so sweet. Wil's sister has just got her place confirmed for the London Marathon, now that's really exciting. Wil's done, it her husband has done it so she'll get loads of encouragement.
I did some sit ups on the gym ball and then Wil and I had a chat about food and life. Having a bit of a change - no longer thinking of the food I'm eating as 'Diet' , something you start and then come off. It's going to be more - this is the food I'm going to eat for life with a capital 'L' . Going to eat more often and as natural as possible. I think this will really help with the tension headaches and mood swings.
I felt so boosted and motivated at the end of the session