Today I went for the Sunday long walk. I set out for the walk not really sure where I was going, but ended up walking out of Winchester about 2 miles along the Alresford Road to Morn Hill.
Morn Hill is where the main Graveyard is.
My Dad is buried there so I went to see his grave. It would have been his birthday tomorrow.
My Dad
I was very lucky to have had the best Dad - Geoffrey Browning. He spent most of his working life in the RAF. He was amazing, a wicked sense of humour, so patient, brilliant artist and had a great love for theatre, Christian in the truest sense. Loyalty was very important to him. He also very active while he was able. He ran Cross Country for the RAF and entered into some quite big competitions. In the RAF Ely hospital he was one of the patients in the pioneeering hip replacement operations. I think he would be quite chuffed to know what was going on with me at the moment. Maybe the Cross Country Running Gene maybe passed down!!! He died over 15 years ago, I miss him loads but so grateful I had such a great start to life with him
The Signs of Jogging
On the way back I had a go at jogging. I'm aware I need to be careful of joints especially knees, so I did little bits. I found a horizon point of a road sign or a lamp post and jogged towards it. I've got past the idea of being worried about what people think especially as I got a boost today as some encouragement was shouted out of a car window as they drove past. "Ooooeeee Go for it", well I think that's what they said. Different from what people used to shout at me!!!!

About half way down the road there is a bridge that goes over the motorway . It's called the Spitfire Bridge, named after a bridge that used to be there, a Spitfire was have supposed to have flown under it during the war.
I jogged over it and it is a wierd experience, you can see the traffic going underneath, it made me a bit dizzy.

I think I walked about 6 miles, on my feet for about 2 1/2 hours.
This week is the Mini Triathlon. 300m swim, 8k cycle, 2k walk (all done in New Park) I may have to start about 6 o'clock in the morning to be ready for session with Wil by 12!!!! LOL

And they make you do this kind of thing!!!!
Bloglines has finally alerted me of your last 6 updates. It seems to be playing up at the moment, although I also have very little time to spare just now, and even less brain capacity.
You have made a lot of progress Polly. Keep it up and imagine all the money you are raising for the Wessex Cancer Trust. You can be very proud of yourself.
Karin xx
Thank you Karin
Had lots of help too
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