Had an absolutely fabulous day at New Park Manor today. Haven't been for ten days and it seemed ages. Had to stop myself skipping with excitement up the road to the Spa.
Did half hours swim, and a steam.

Then a session with Wil. As it was such a lovely autumn's day we went for a walk in the New Forrest. It was a very vigorous walk but I was still able to give Wil the traditional Thursday list of questions. He answered them all with flying colours. It was so good because when I asked him which is the correct way to start jogging, or how to run correctly on the foot, or stretching the musc

Have seen other Personal and Fitness trainers on TV recently, I think we've got a real goodun(I'll pick up the fiver next week Wil!!!!!!!!!!!LOL)
Another sign of fitness progress is that I can actually talk and walk fast at the same time. That would have been impossible a few months ago.
I think there maybe some funny pictures coming of me soon on the walk!!!
Then back into a gym for some press ups and world record cycling!!
Claire came in for her session and I was just about to sneak off but Wil said I could stay and do some work on the Treadmill. So I walked for 1/2 hour and did a bit on the Cross Trainer. We had a good catch up chat with Claire who is doing remarkably well considering she is going through a bit of a rough time.

We have a challenge on our hands - it's the next Daisy Dieters Weigh- in Day on the 11th November. I lost some more weight and I am now 16.10 st if I could lose another 5lbs for 11th December I might get to the 5st lost for the Daisy Appeal. It may sound any easy target but it is getting harder as it's no longer fluid loss, getting to the hard stuff. But I will try. If not I'll have to cut something off!!!
Been watching Channel 4's 'Too Big To Walk'. It followed a group of seriously obese people as they set about a challenge of doing a walk from Devon to Edinburgh. I found myself getting really frustrated with a few particular characters for not really trying and projecting the blame for how they were on everybody else but themselves. I think I was probably irritated because I could here myself talking the exact same way a few years ago. Only 4 out of the 8 made it but the sense of achievement on their faces when they finished the walks was lovely
I watched Too Big To Walk too.
Yes, some of those excuses were familiar. But how did they actually manage to cover the distance? It would have been a tall order for almost any average Joe that didn't exercise much?
The lady that faked an illness and then was caught on the way out to a nightclub was a priceless moment.
PS, losing down to your 5 stone certainly does not sound easy.
YAY Daisy GO Daisy! If anyone can do it, you can!
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