Friday, June 29, 2007
One Year On
Monday, June 25, 2007
More Photos of Race For Life
WWWWWWonder Woman
....This is me doing the warm up not just about to jump over a roof
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Is The World Ready
Look it's Wonder Woman at the seaside...just keep that image in your head it may help you to forget what I'm going to look like!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Yesterday was one of those day... I woke up at 5am and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to make some oatcakes (as you do). The first lot I thought I would use flax oil (best source, for veggies for Omegas) rather than lard specified in the recipe, and I chucked in some dried herbs.........they were revolting. My second attempt had the British Hockey team phoning up asking if they could use them in their next game.
Then missed the train to Brockenhurst and had to walk faster than normal to get to the spa on time. Was really rubbish at weights works, I was shaking on weights I should really be able to do by now. My homework wasn't particularly brilliant . Wil was, as ever, patient.
On the walk back to the train station I edged past a huge cow sitting in the path way and fell over in a puddle, turning my knee in a way it really didn't want to go. And the cow wasn't much help, just sat there, no words of sympathy or help to get up. Knee hurting wasn't as bad as having to walk through Brockenhurst with mud all on my leggins. Although people of Brockenhurst didn't turn a blind eye. Well they do have horses, cows and donkeys walking up their main shopping streets and don't suppose mud is a problem.
I am a bit worried about doing the next Race For Life in Bournemouth with my knee in the state it's in...
Anyway I thought I'd show you the bollards outside of our shop. One thing I really love is Public Art and The Colour Factory in Winchester have been painitng bollards in The Square. They are fabulous and have become quite a tourist attraction. Each one is based on a bifferent movement in the art world. Should be more of this. Think of all the drab places in towns that could be cheered up with things like this.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Mission 'Wonder Woman'
- kind of made the costume yesterday. Red with gold starry skirt and a gold sequin type of shaped boob tube - don't worry I'll wear something underneath or may be the first Race For Lifer who gets arrested. Hope it's sunny cos I will sparkle and maybe seen from far flung satelites
I know I'm the Great Aunty, so I can keep on about him but these have to be the cutest photos of Harry so far!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Race For Life Part 1- What A Feeling!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Fairy Godmother where are you!!!!!!
So I may look like Wonder Woman in her punk phase of safety pins and the bin liner look!!!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Went to see the Guru of Fitness, Wil on Wednesday for my fix of inspiration and motivation. I have always avoided weight training apart form the necessary basics but now I am really enjoying the challenge. I looked at the first exercises Wil set me last year, I had trouble using 1 and 2ks but now I am entering the pulling buses!!
Wednesday evening we had a works dinner to say goodbye to Christine (another one bites the dust). Pizza Express!!!
Had a haircut on Thursday and the hair dresser, just to see what it looked, like straightened it , my hair has a mind of it's own as you can see in past pictures. Anyway I went to see my mum afterwards and her reaction was very funny. She didn't recognise me to start with and then she gave a horrified gasp. Why do mum's always like curly hair!!. Gradually it has pingged back up to the normal wavy mess!!
Saturday it was time to judge the Josephs, Sandy and Dannys and fight off Scarecrows (ahh Saturday TV)
Sunday we had Jenny, Paul and Harry to visit. They are a lovely little family. Harry has past the 12lb mark. He's a strapping lad and has loads of smiles.
Went for a 12k walk in the morning. Along one of the roads was a field filled with poppies. It was really vibrant. Lots of people were taking photos and so did I but I lost mine in the virtual world somewhere!! In the after noon Harry took us for a walk although Aunty Su had a bit of trouble stearing but missed the river on several occassions .Then a session in the gym13 DAYS TO RACE FOR LIFE WINCHESTER 11am Riverside Park
20 DAYS TO RACE FOR LIFE BOURNEMOUTH 2pm Bournemouth to Boscombe Piers and back