Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Suffering a bit today. Feels like I've swallowed a vat of battery acid and been put through a mangle. Iwas told yesterday by somebody who I started the Race For Life with, that we actually started 7 mins after 11 am so I actually did the race in38 mins. I did push myself to limits I hadn't before and that's why I probably feel bit rough. It was only 5k so shows I got a whole long way to go yet .

Mission 'Wonder Woman'
- kind of made the costume yesterday. Red with gold starry skirt and a gold sequin type of shaped boob tube - don't worry I'll wear something underneath or may be the first Race For Lifer who gets arrested. Hope it's sunny cos I will sparkle and maybe seen from far flung satelites

I know I'm the Great Aunty, so I can keep on about him but these have to be the cutest photos of Harry so far!!

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