Yesterday I was back on the South coast. My appointment with the Medical Herbalist was at 10 so it was an early train and a cycle ride from Bournemouth to Southbourne. The wind was strong but behind me so it was an easy ride.
The staff were all very friendly and I had a great chat with the 'Herb' man.
2 major points of discussion are Headaches and Osteoarthritis. I know I take to many painkillers and want to significantly reduce them. It is difficult to pin point the cause of the headaches as I have had them since I was a baby. I have done loads of research on them to see if there was another route rather that aspirin. And I have tried lots of different things but with no success.
He prescribed Guarana a herb that may help reduce the need for so much aspirin.
Also we are going to look at Cranial Osteopathy this sounds really interesting as he said a lot of migraines come from misalignment of the cranial bones or vertebrae
After my session with Will and my talk with 'Herb'man I want to everything that I eat to be as natural as possible.
At the moment it seems a bit of maze.
I need to lose sugar from my diet, except naturally occurring sugars in fruit
that's going to be the toughest
Steer clear from wheat based products e.g bread, pasta, some cereals
Bump up magnesium rich foods
I am also keeping off dairy stuff from animals,
but I am more a less vegan anyway so that's not really an issue.
Eat loads of fresh fruit and veg and try and make as much of meals from scratch as possible.
oohhhhhhhhh and exercise properly as prescribed by the guru of fitness.
When we did our session on Thursday it was tough but that's how hard I should be pushing myself so it's time to pull the proverbial finger out!!
There should be a significant change

After my appointment I went down to the sea front to watch the waves. They were really dramatic. There were some young lads swimming in the sea and enjoying the waves. I was a bit jealous, I remembered how, as children, we used to go in the sea in Norfolk with waves like that.
It was hard to get me out of the sea I loved it so much. The waves would take you off your feet and bounce you around. I could hardly catch my breath from laughing so much and swallowing sea water. I used to use my Dad as a diving board and then he would disappear and then a pair of legs would appear from the sea as he demonstrated the under water handstand!!

So it was nice time there remembering Dad.