Sugar - why was it ever invented!!
All my life I have had a close relationship with sugar. I have such a sweet tooth and crave anything sweet if I am not in an inch radius of it.
Well this week's challenge was to reduce the sugar by at least 95%.
Not easy. I could say I went kicking and screaming into a sugar free state of 'Cold Turkey'. No turning to cereal bars or anything that 'Boots' could offer in their diet range.
I even dreamt of eating platefuls of doughnuts. It's hard at work as there is a plentiful supply of doughnuts, flapjacks etc I have got past the point of just picking them up and smelling them. Now I can walk past without looking.
Alongside all that a getting to grips with real exercise in the gym. I have joined the puffers and blowers in the weights area. Although they are making meaningful grunts with 40-50k , I in turn, am going purple and almost blowing a gasket at 6-7k.
Still I am trying - but this time unless I am hanging on to the walls or innocent by-standers as I leave the gym I don't feel it's a real workout -
Had a PT session with Will today. It was tough, we did a PHA work out. My arms got to the point of wobbliness and shaking. I think my strength is improving. I was using heavier weights than usual and managed to get through the sets, just - apart from one little misdemeanor!!!
The hour always goes too fast especially when I spend the whole week looking forward to it.

Last night Gorgeous Stu and I went out on the town and had a fun night. We started of with a nice relaxing swim and then went on into town. We got to see a great cabaret act with Drag Queen Sally Vate. As you can see she has adopted me as one of her own!!!! In the past I have had bad experiences of drag queens and have been allergic to them for long time - Sally is lovely and very funny
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