In the middle of wet and dreary weather there was a beautifully, sunny afternoon in Bournemouth. As I stood by the sea edge and watched the surfers I felt a wave of relaxation go through me.
I had a great session with Wil, really motivational, and we did some walking, press ups and going upstairs with both legs!!! I have been a bit scared of stairs cos of knee but we walked up one of the chines and I did the steps!! It was a bit awkward but it's one of things I need to work on to build up strength. Quite chuffed when I do things I haven't done since the op.
Going to start building up the exercise now. Going swimming this week, see how that goes.
After training I met up with gorgeous Stu. He and I count half the year to Greenbelt and the other half to Advent. So our favourites time of the year starts this weekend.
Visited his new house. It's coming on so well they have worked really hard. Met Bartley and Osca. Bartley decided he was going to move into one of my carrier bags.
Stu and Bartley playing cat and mouse
How about this for a pose. Bartley is growing up fast!! But is still a cuddley gorgeous puss. His elder sister, Osca watches him from above an all her dignity!!
Tomorow I give my notice in to work. Very excited and a bit scared, a radical change of direction of life. From morbidly overweight wall flower to a trainee Personal trainer!!!! What ever next............