10th November Saturday
Had a bad night. Brain didn't want to switch off and knee was badly swollen. Made an attempt to go to work but thought it best not to stay as it would mean standing on it all day. Came home and took some anti-inflammatories and the swelling quickly went down and normal service was resumed.
Friday 7th November
PT day - hurray!! Met Will in the 'Brock and Brewin' a little cafe in Brockenhurst that seems to have an unusual amount of Teddy Bears in it. Going through pre-course learning book at the moment while I impatiently await to get back to training. Surely it won't be too long now. It was nice being back in Brockenhurst it seems ages since I've been there and thinking of this time last year when I was making 2 trips there a week.
After a really helpful session with Will I went on to meet Gorgeous Stu in Bournemouth. At Brockenhurst I managed to completely miss-judge one of the steps and fell down the next one. Imamaged to keep my dignity and if I may say so it was quite a graceful fall.
As I sat on the train I could feel stiffening happening in my knee. Had a fun time with Stu and visited his new house,which is under a major make over. He and his team workers are working really hard on it and it's exciting to see walls being knocked down and rooms rearranged. I think he should have his own TV show!!!!
Managed to get home without any other mishaps although getting off the train was interesting as my knee decided to wobble and some nice young gentleman helped me off the train as if I was an old lady.
Tuesday 6th November
Was worried that the knee would complain about yesterday but it felt better than it had ever felt
Strange. WORK WORK WORK WOE!!!!!
Monday November 5th
First really full day at work, did too much spent most of my time standing up and going up and down stairs. Just about made it home. I can't really do much else at work at the moment cos I spend a lot of time there on my own so things have to be done and customers served. There is a lot of drama going on at work at the moment
November 3rd
Watched fireworks from the window as I was abit worried about standing in large crowd of people for about 2 hours. Shame really because I really love the drama of fireworks night. Winchester always has a good display....Next year.
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