Had a power holiday today, Went to Bournemouth early via train and coach (due to rail-works), As in the post before just needed to get away and be by the sea. Promenade was busy with joggers, cyclists and power walkers. I was on the West Beach and there was a competition for Life Saving of Surfers. Great fun, they had to save a 'volunteer' in the sea with their boats and then race back to the beach in the fastest time.
I went up to Durley Gardens and through to the chime the views were stunning and it was not too busy up there. I came back via the beach and say by the sea and watched waves come in and out for half an hour. I have been looking at quality breathing this week and I had a practice by the sea.
Standing tall breathing deep diaphragmatic breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth To start with I felt quite light headed, but soon felt the effects of breathing well. Its's amazing the difference it makes

I went on the pier on the way back and happened to see rides on a speedboat being advertised. It's something I've always wanted to do. Being heavily over weight I always avoided going on boats because of the obvious jokes and comments that came my way. But this time I was up for it. Soon found my self sitting in the boat with 7 strangers. The driver of the boat told us where the life jackets were and then said 'Enjoy the ride and GOOD LUCK!!!' Then we were off all i could do was to take this very shaky photo the rest of the time I was holding on for dear life. We bounced up and down past the beaches and over our own wake. Turning and weaving at quite big angles. I took in loads of fresh sea air then and we all screamed and held on to each other. Those 8 strangers ended up all walking down the pier laughing and shaking together. A great adrenalin rush. It made me feel like I should start doing 'things I've always wanted to'
Going to have to stay still for a few days in just over a week's time, after the knee op, so going to spend some time before hand doing some unusual things!!!!
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