Spent the morning at Bournemouth in gorgeous weather running up and down the beach with Will (well not really running, a kind of jog)and lots of fun fitness stuff.I now have a heart rate monitor and can now tell if I am still alive during training sessions. It's quite interesting to see(for me anyway cos I am weird like that), how my heart changes speed. Although not everyone appreciated my running commentary. OOh it's 131, now it's 175, now 120, now______________!!!
I stayed in Bournemouth for a while and enjoyed the sunshine. By the sea is my favourite place to be. I always seem to feel relaxed and revived by the sea. Perhaps it's because I have so many lovely memories of the sea.I remembered going to the beach with my Dad and he used to put me on his shoulders and I used him as a diving board!! I used to have to be dragged out of the sea. While everyone else was eating their sand filled sandwiches and wrapped in towels I was still bobbing up and down in the waves!
Or perhaps it's because I am a mermaid really and I feel the call!!!!!(Hey Stu this sounds a familiar format - unique!!)
And then I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening with my extending family. Had a brilliant time. They are so supportive of what I am doing. Instead of having a birthday cake I had a melon decorated and with candles!!! So funny.
It was good to see those 21 candles burning brightly!!!
This was a present I got from my friend Christine. We think it looks like me. So here she is in the Open Water Swim Event. I think she is now in Bournemouth being trained!!
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