I went to New Park Manor yesterday and before I went in for a session with Wil I went for a swim. So I donned my Speedo gear. In my mind I looked like a mean lean swimming machine. Unfortunately I glanced in a mirror as I walked past and I actually looked like a giant leech, something you might have seen on the early days of Dr Who!!! Luckily there was no one else in the pool, so I didn't frighten anyone.
It was quite strange, I was in my own little world with my hat pulled over my head and ears and my goggles on. I was able to concentrate really well on my stroke and managed 6 x 4 lengths of crawl with rests in between. Speedo hats are also good for instant face lifts because they stretch your forehead and although you look constantly surprised it takes away all the frown lines. Maybe I have found the alternative to Botox.
Had a rockin' Cardio work out with Wil. A real endorphine rush!!! Being the 'time of the month' wasn't at my best but instead of retreating to a nice warm chair and comfort eating I found exercise really helped.
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