First of all CONGRATULATIONS to Big Sis Liz..she is now a Staff Nurse on strokes Ward at the RHCH Winchester. She has worked so hard to get qualified and is a brilliant nurse and is appreciated by staff and patients alike. Well done Liz we are very proud of you.
Claire had an eye appointment at the time of the show, she has been suffering with a nasty spot on her eye and had a scan which has shown with medication can be healed and hopefully she'll be back to normal in a couple of days. Scary thing to go through though.
Luckily Wil made it through all the rush hour traffic and just got in, in time to run into the studios and sit in front of a mic. Andre Fergus a PT we met at the Christmas party also came in, only having 3 hours sleep.
There is a new slot on Solent Breakfast Show which takes place during the half- hour cross over of presenters Julian Clegg (6.30-9 am) and Jon Cuthill (9-12.30) - called Lifestyle. We had great fun chatting about losing weight, personal training and going to the gym.
The latest weigh in result was 14 stone11
92lbs off for Daisy Appeal -
11 Stone 13 off all together.
Next goals
The weight of Personal Trainer Wil 12 Stone 4 lbs (ish) - another 5lbs
100 lbs loss for the Daisy Appeal - another 8lbs to go
Half Original Body Weight 13 Stone 5lbs - another 1 Stone 6lbs to lose
In the Gym
After the show we hot footed it back to New Park Manor I went for a leisurely Steam, Bubble and Swim before a session in the gym with Wil. I stupidly left my food for the morning in the kitchen (well I woke up to find myself on a train to Southampton yesterday and hadn't really come to until I found myself sitting in the Radio Studios). So I was working in the gym, running on empty..... don't think I'll do that again!!! Learnt the hard way the disadvantages of having no fuel inside and trying to co-ordinate body, mind and soul. Wil explained why, and DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!!
One of the movements I didn't do well on (in fact was almost sent to the naughty corner), was an exercise using the Glute and Core muscles for strength.

I was just rubbish at it. Maybe because I was tired and hungry and a bit of trying to break habits of a life time. I am really determined to get this one right...
When Wil did it he looked so graceful. I looked like a tree. BUT IT'S ALL ABOUT PERSEVERANCE. I get quite cross with myself when I can't do things correctly straight off. But sulking and stomping doesn't get me too far!! So best keep trying.
After gym I went for another swim and did some front crawl drills.
Back in Winchester I went to M & S and got a whole load of fruit and ate one the best pears I have ever had, it was gorgeous.

This will be me in a few weeks time
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