Today I did the 5k walk. It was the same route as the 5K race on Thursday. Walked it after tea so not to frighten too many people. It takes the path through the weirs which is beautiful in the evening. I did try to put in a few jogging strides but I have

I have set myself a task to jog across roads, which confuses a lot of people, because I suddenly start jogging as if there were cars coming, and no one else can see a car in sight. Quite often other people will pick up their pace too!! Legs felt really heavy on the way back. The walk took me just over 70 minutes so only about 1 hour behind the time the runners set!!! That maybe a good marker route to see how I am progressing.
Made a s

Quarter pint of Low Fat Soya Milk
A handful of All Bran (soak in soya milk)
1 Banana, Handful of Blueberries, Handful of Raspberries
Put it all in a smoothie maker/blender it looks and tastes gorgeous

You're beginning to make me feel guilty. ;0)
I'm very impressed with your exercise regime, I must say.
Don't be surprised if your weight loss slows down slightly or you put a pound or two on, you know muscle weighs more than fat, I'm sure. On the other hand you should then start to notice a more toned figure.
I really wish I had the will power to get out there and start working out, and losing some weight! As it is, the only time I lose weight is when I'm depressed! Now I'm starting to feel better about myself, I can see it piling back on :(
I must strive to start a diet. Must must must.
Hi Gorgeous Graemeee
Don't beat yourself up about feeling good about yourself. I have found that there quite a few luxurious foods out there which are actually really good for you. Exotic fruits, long tall glasses of smoothies with ice. Huge colourful salads with crunchy seeds. (I know, I am surprising myself)
Forget about 'will power' it's an impossible level to bring yourself to your bound to fail. Don't try and give up bad stuff but eat good stuff. Be adventurous there are loads of tastes out there you haven't discovered yet!!!!!
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