hamish (bike)taking in the view....

Last 10 days have been awful. I have never felt so poorly for so long.
Now it's more or less over except I have been left with a rather interesting husky voice and cough. I feel so much better than I did.
Yesterday I went out on the bike with Will. I love it so much I am like a kid with a new toy (probably because I am!!)
We cycled from Christchurch to Hengestbury head. It was so good to be out in the open air and having a big dose of inspiration and motivation from the Guru of Fitness.

I then cycled on to Bournemouth to spend a delightful evening with Gorgeous Stu. We have become addicted to the 1970s version of Elizabeth R with Glenda Jackson. I think it's one of the best interpretations of Elizabeth 1st life. Simple but effective. Good thing about being ill is that you get to see daytime TV but you do get hooked into Soaps.
Starting a detox kind of diet for the next few weeks to get as healthy as poss after al the ups and downs of the last few minths. Nothing too harsh,
Today I had porridge with rice milk which was interesting and I am ashamed to say my first experience of Advacado.
Started back at work at the bookshop today. Feels wierd but it's good to see people again
On Sunday I am helping out with a Triathlon. Marshalling and Massaging. I love Triathlons so much, the atmosphere is great. Can't wait. Hopefully do a whole load more and build up my CV.
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