After a long break from gym work I had a fab and fun PT session with Wil in a little gym in darkest New Forest. I am a bit nervous sometimes of using the knee but I felt really excited because I could do steps ups and chest presses, and all manner of things with a dyno band!! Which I snapped (sorry Wil) . well when I said I could do....I was a bit rusty. Interesting post op things such as sitting on the floor and getting up off the floor, I forgot I hadn't done that. So I sat on the floor and pondered how I could get up. Luckily Wil gave me a time limit, but it was strange trying to make my mind think, this isn't going to hurt as much you think it is.
So now it's a case of building up gym work again.
I keep having little explosions of excitement about the course, which can be a little alarming if you're standing next to me.!!
After gym went to Bournemouth and snuck a look at the sea before meeting Gorgeous Stu, which I was quite late for (sorry Stu) but there were loads of men in wet suits surfing by the pier!!!
One particular surfer was just putting on his suit which did look a bit painful I asked him if I could take a photo of him going into the water and this gorgeous Italian accent said I could. Anyway apart from swooning I must have been shaking a little because that picture came out very fuzzy but there is one below.
Had a lovely time with Stu, Bartley and Osca the cats and then off home on the train. I always feel a bit sad when Thursdays are over but Christmas is on it's way and we are in Advent, the best time of the year.

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