Today I went for a walk in my dinnerbreak and got caught up with a full military funeral at the cathedral. Major Paul Harding who was killed in Iraq. Depite what you may think about the war in the Middle East,it's a chilling sight to see a body actually being marched in front of you. He had full military honours but it was so sad to see his young family walking behind him and his hat and medals on top of the union jack. His colleagues carried his coffin, which must be such an emotional thing to do. Not only has your friend died but it could have been anyone of them. The reality hit home hard that all the news bulletins you see and the political discussions debating the rights and the wrongs, real people are being killed, hundreds every day.
Another sad thing my Uncle Ray (Dad's brother) died last week. He lost his battle against cancer. I have many lovely, childhood memories of him. He served on the council as a Liberal and was a methodist lay preacher on the local circuit.
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Big Hug
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