Sunday, May 20, 2007

Today I am just about able to move my arms again. LOL. Had a rigorous work out on Thursday featuring my arm and shoulder muscles!! Well....I had a great time really enjoyed it but I forgot to do any stretching exercises afterwards and, as a result, combined with finding muscles that don't seem to be mentioned in any anatomy books, I have been suffering a bit this weekend.

But this morning I decided to get off my backside and go for an early morning swim. I managed to do 800 metres. Stopping to catch breath a few times. Nice bunch of people in this morning we had fun, all very polite. When you wait at one end and someone else comes along..... it's...'you go first' and they say 'no you go first'....but really you want to say 'JUST GO!!!I need air in my lungs'.

It's great every time I go to the gym I walk through Hyde Gardens on the site of the ancient Hyde Abbey and there is an etched glass panel (above) which shows how the Abbey used to look. King Alfred was supposed to have been buried there. I took a picture of it last week with the sunsetting behind and it makes quite an eerie photo.

After a rest at home for an hour I set off for a 10k walk which was lovely, weather really good. This is my effort to get back on track. Lost the plot a bit as I got down with things at work and worrying about the future

This afternoon Harry (Great Nephew) and mum, niece Jenny came to visit. Harry is getting used to the world on the outside. A few digestive problems to work on but he is ssoooooooo cute.

I did a Harry workout he is a good Personal Trainer. As he was crying it seemed to help to lift him up so his legs could bounce up and down on my lap and then raise him up and down, (something about gravity and poo I think!!) . He is about 5 kilos at the moment so I was working the biceps and when I stopped he cried so I kept going. Will look like Popeye soon!!!

Last week


I got into the Dail Echo. Best part is I got yelled at from a building sire 'hey Darlin', well done. Wierd thing that happened had some anonymous letters , which were nice but a bit freaky!!

Mayfest in Winchester. Some strange customers in the shop, stranger than normal that is!! I had to resist so hard in not putting a caption with this!!!!

