I made it there and back including a stop off for a quick loo stop in 53 mins 30. I have to remember to keep walking fast because I was merrily singing along to the music and strolling and then remembered I was supposed to be doing a time trial!!
One thing I was quite interested in was a rather dashing runner using the beach for interval training. The beach was being cleaned and ploughed and he was using the dents and troughs in the sand to add interest to his run.
At the end of my jalk there was a party clapping, unfortunately not for me but for the busker under the fly over by the gardens.
I met Wil and Oscar for a drink in town Oscar is growing up fast and is absolutely gorgeous and is a little charmer. Father and son very well colour co-ordinated...... both looking very well. Oscar and I had quite a conversation not sure of the full details but it was mainly based around food, sleep and world politics!!!. He is a strong little lad.
Walked back to the train station
Jenny and Paul's baby is due any minute...it's sooooo exciting. I think he is waiting till it gets a bit warmer. I am going to be a Great Aunt!!!! Another excuse to be completely barmy and get away with it!!!
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