It blew a gale last night. Where I live the wind really hits the windows so I didn't get too much sleep. Although I was quite tempted to get up and go for a walk in it as I love storms. I managed to wait a few hours and set off my, now traditional, Sunday long walk.
I'm trying to make them a little longer each time but it depends where I go. Today I went out on the Andover Road for 2 1/2 miles, and then the path ran out.... tried to walk on the grass verge but it was too muddy. I decided to go across the top of the outskirts of Winchester for 1 1/2 miles and then back into Winchester another 2 miles to meet my mum to go for a further 1 1/2 miles. 7 1/2 miles about 11k.
It was a lovely walk in the country up and down minor hills, only got soaked once!!
On the walk with my mum we visited the Christmas Market and Ice Rink in the Close behind Winchester Cathedral. It is so Christmassy it's fab.

This week is weighing and measuring week to see where I have got to. The public weigh in is on Radio Solent next Monday. The last measuring was at the end of September so I hope there willbe more signs of shrinking. And I apologise for this in advance .
Today starts my most fav part of the year Advent.
Have a look at this Advent Calendar from Woodlands Junior School. It's fun and you learn something about Christmas customs each day
Do I take it you will be weighing and measuring yourself at home this week in preparation for the official weigh in next Monday, 11th December?
Hope you will be pleased with your progress, whatever. To be honest, even if it isn't what you've hoped it is still excellent progress and very much worthwhile. The trouble with targets is they are so easy to miss, but they help us progress as best we can, which is what really counts.
No, that's wny I put the pun WHERE THERE'S A WIL THERE'S A WEIGH
Personal Trainer Wil will be doing the deed and he has all sorts of official measuring stuff
ps thanks for all your encouragemant Karin
Ah. I understand what you meant know. You've made amazing progress. I never seem to manage to get started, but I keep hoping I'll suddenly find that spurt of energy to get things going.
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