I tried Chicory last night in a salad with peppers, rocket leaves, tomatoes, cucumber, sunflower seeds with a homemade tomato and mushroom sauce on top. It was all nice except the chicory. I tried to find a recipe that didn't camouflage the taste too much but most of them said roast it, deep fry it or braise it. I didn't think it was worth all that, it's just like a bitter tasting lettuce.

As you will have read patience isn't always my strongest point, today I am finding it a bit frustrating because I keep seeing people running in the park and I so wish I could do that. It will come hopefully. Also the amount of the weight I have yet to lose hit me today. It's coming off ok I think. Although the lovely Matt at Radio Solent has my scales under his desk so I'm not totally sure of how much to date. In a way that is a good thing, as I mentioned in the last blog it's good to get away from becoming obsessed with diet and weight loss and then it becomes more of a natural healthy state of life (just sometimes wa

I think I need to start setting myself some little challenges. Well, there is the swim across the channel, the Marathon and Tour De France, oh and then the Iron Man Triathlon. But maybe I need to start on a bit of a lower level!! I'll have a think and let you know. Or if anyone has any ideas let me know.
This picture is just cos it has the AHHHHHH factor!!!!
Tonight's challenge is to try Aduki Beans that are sprouting!! I am sure there will be a vegetable allotment in my stomach soon with all the seeds and sprouting things I'm eating!!! It's all good stuff!
Su's Dinner
2 small Sweet Potatoes dry roasted with onions and peppers and mushrooms with a topping of Cottage Cheese, Aduki Beans and Pumpkin Seeds.
Actually, I was going to mention the very low fat cottage cheeses and fromage frais thats around. I'm sure you've already discovered them but they are gorgeous - much too gorgeous to be good for you but they seem to be quite gentle on the scales.
Are you being weighed in intervals? Or just at the end of the program?
Let me know on the Aduki - hit or miss?
Hi Evo
Aduki beans a big hit taste gorgeous and fresh. but I wouldn't have too many they hardly touched the sides!!!
We have a public weigh-in on the Radio at three week intervals.At the end of our 12 week session with Wil we get remeasured, weighed and calculated to see the difference. But I am hoping to go on with that.
The sponsored part of the diet and tracking by Radio Solent goes on till April 2007 and there will be a big weigh in of us all and a party...yay!!!!
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