Then we went on to one of my favourites the bouncy balls . Wil says the b

Working with the weights, is where I can really feel the muscles working. The last exercise was 10 minutes on the Tread-mill. Heart rate went up to 135 which is good.
Felt amazing after the workout if not a little wobbly. Went for another swim and some hydro therapy. Must start doing some counted lengths in the pool. At the moment I am so amazed that I'm in the water I forget to do 'exercise' type swimming.
Next week I am booked in for a Deep Tissue massage, I 'm not sure what means but I feel that it may include picking up hand fulls of flesh and putting them somewhere else.
Christine and I went into Lymington after the spa. Such a wierd place with shops that sell either high class goods, tacky souvenirs of the New Forest, or retro stuff. Christine was looking for something particular and we must have walked for an hour around the town. I am in the f

Today I was reminded of the other reason why I am doing the sponsored Diet. I heard of two cases of friends who had relatives in what maybe cancer scares. Wessex Cancer Trust does such good work for care and research for cancer sufferers hopefully the money I raise may do a little to help and also make me more aware of the Trust's work.
After a work out in the gym - why not just use the pool to relax? After killing yourself on the X trainer etc, there's no need to kill yourself doing lengths as well...... :-)
Good idea Freebie xx
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