Yesterday I was expecting to be taken on a stretcher to work with various limbs hanging off but I felt great. I think it must have been the carefully supervised exercise with Wil and the water therapy afterwards.
Beginning to use the place where I work as a make shift gym. I have a step I have to go up constantly so trying to do a few extra each time.
I have discovered All Bran is not as bad as I thought it was especially heavily disguised with strawberries and bananas. It is good because you wouldn't want too much of it unlike a friend of mine who once had three big bowls and ended up sitting on the loo while he gradually turned himself inside out. Trying to eat a lot more healthily now.
I think I see chains in the vicious circle being broken. It is hard though to get out of the habbit of feeling horrible, eating, stuffing and then feeling horrible. And you think nobody is noticing.
Being in the culture of a healthy environment really inspires you to get into a healthier frame of mind.
Today I passed another mile stone. I went to the Doctors, to most people this is no big challenge but for anyone that knows me, it is BIG. I would've have had to been in a near death state to go to any doctor. The last time I went was because of the car accident. Doctor was really nice and very excited about what I was doing.
Just had an e-mail from Wil it looks as though we are going into the serious stuff next. It'll be fine, it'll be fine, it'll be fine.....................LOL
Well done. Glad you feel so good.
As you know love - I'm also dieting.
A couple of weeks back I had a whole week off the diet. I ate appallingly! What I noticed was that when I was eating unhealthy foods I felt sluggish and grotty between meals, but fine when i was eating. Psychologically then I longed to eat cos it was then that I felt good.
When I eat healthy food and exercise I feel good between meals and I don't NEED to eat to feel good.
I'm still a greedy so-and-so and long for chocolate and chips, but you know what I'm getting at! LOL
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