On the way home I called in at Mum'
s and we went to the Anne Frank Exhibition in the Great Hall Winchester. The Exhibition was based around the diaries and life of Anne Frank with some harrowing pictures and stories from Holocaust. It's so hard to understand how people can do that to each other. The images have stayed with me. There were some other muliti-media displays on racial abuse too. It was effective looking at the horrors of the Holocaust with children talking about racism.

On our walk we passed a swan sitting on her eggs. No sign of the male thought he must be off doing things.. but no...he was down stream, out of sight of the Mrs, fast asleep on the river bank!!! Quite an up-market nest as you can see!!
Decided to do first practice run for The Race For Life . Bournemouth to Boscombe and back about 5K. Tried to walk really fast, which may have looked a little odd to passers by but I am past caring what people think!!! It was very windy down on the beach going to Boscombe
the wind was behind me, it was great but on the way back, now that was hard work.
Had a bit of a race with a man on the way back we kept over taking each other really worked hard and my quads and glutes can really tell the tale.
Managed my best time so far 46 minutes
As you can see by the hair it was very windy!!
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