Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Wanted a good session at the gym tonight and boy did I get it. I managed to get there early so I could spend some time in the pool. Wil came and gave me some much needed coaching. I swam the channel and back in various ways of doing front crawl. As usual with most of the exercise I do I forget to breath, which is a bit more important when you've got your head under water. By the end of that session I was moving through the water looking less like I was being chased by a school of Pirahnas but feeling more relaxed, swimming about the same speed but using less energy and breathing!!

Then it was into the gym for a load of Cardio Vascular exercises. Did some hard work on the Cross Trainer and the Treadmill. Never thought I'd say this but I really love it. I love the challenges of getting beyond what you think you can do and raising the level. Did some sit ups on the gym ball. Under threat of the broom handle to get it right!!! The better I do it the harder it is, really felt those core muscles working. I think it's adrenalin rushing around, but I so needed that tonight, or 'A kick up the backside'. I feel so good it's better than any drug.

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