Managed to get the majority of Christmas shopping on Thursday when I did a marathon shop of walking around Basingstoke for 4 1/2 hours. I had already done an early swim and been into town in Winchester. After Basingstoke I went into town again and for a walk in the evening.
I should learn really, to pace myself. It's been manic at work, well I do work in a shop and it's Christmas.
Yesterday was the Radio Solent Christmas party so another early start. By then, not having much sleep it was all a bit hazy. A studio full of people who had done amazing things, climbed mountains, sailed round the world backwards, won music competitions....
oh and Team Wil was there. Claire brought little Joe who is absolutely gorgeous and Claire looked really good I had a look at our original photo in June and she looks really healthy and has changed shape. Well done Claire you'll be in my Daisy New Years Honours List. Hope to prise some photos off Andre for next year.
The interview was short and sweet with Julian as he had to get round to everyone. I'm not really sure what I said. And then it was on to the Gym

Gym was good had a few false starts as tiredness set in and Wil almost had to use the Broom Handle and go into hard core P.T!!! I have a new challenge.. to get a gym ball in the air between my feet at the end of legs at 90 degrees and slowly down again. Could be my party piece after Christmas Dinner!!! Charades is so yesterday!!!
I won the challenge on the rowing machine and jogged 3 x 1 min sections. Wil has discovered a dark deep secret that underneath all this lack of self confidence I have a thriving 'competitive spirit'. Never really known what to do with it but 2007 may be the outing of it. in a nice way of course!!
Wil is on my list for New Years Honours too. Persistance, Bravery!!, Encouragement and just being a cool dude.
Then we had Aquarobics which was fun cos we had some of other ladies that I've met through the year there too. A lot of laughing and a good work out.
Then it was on to Bournemouth despite waiting on the wrong platform, automatically going on to the going home platform, I managed to race a cross the bridge, presents in tow and catch the right train. Wouldn't have been able to do that a year ago
Met Stu,Brad annd Osca, who are also on my New Years Honours list for being best friends ever!!) in Stu's Christmas Tree wonderland house. I think he has 7 at the last count. We had a walk around Bournemouth doing a bit more Christmas shopping and then attempted to go toTescos. It was complete chaos in the carpark and we in the end parked somewhere near the Littledown Gym and power walked to Tescos, (is it bad that evertime I'm on my feet I think of it as exercise!!)
Then back for a lovely warming Mushroom Soup and a lesson on how to make low fat Chilli.
On the way home not surprisingly I fell asleep on the train only to be woken up by the conductor asking for my ticket. I then managed to falloff the train as I missed the narrow step, but no damage done, I seem to bounce better these days.
Confession time I wrote this originally on the Blog and then took it off in guilt but I think it's better to tell all and be honest. There are 6 Take Away shops opposite where I live and today a huge magnet drew me into one of them, kicking and screaming they made me buy food on threat of violence if I didn't eat it. Or.........was really tired, couldn't face the kitchen and had a weak moment. It wasn't particularly nice and I felt horrible afterwards with the friedness of it, not used to that kind of food any more. Still it's out of my system in more ways than one. Now where did I put that Quinoa
Going to take a break from Work and Gym over Christmas period. Now is the time..(remember that phrase Stu) to put in action the things I've learnt .

It's time to reflect, now what it's all about
Hope you all have a lovely Christmas
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Happy Christmas Eve!
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