Last year I swam the distance of the channel in the swimming pool,6 weeks for the Charity Aspire.
This year I am going to attempt to do it in one week. It works out at about 3 miles a day. There are going to be some days when swimming time is going to be short so I'll try to wrack some lengths up in the time I've got.
Day 1
Inspired the Ultra Marathon Runner Dean Karnezes and Gertrude the first lady to swim the channel in 1926, I set about my first batch of lengths. Luckily for me I have next tweek off so I can really get stuck in.
The early swim got me a 50 length start. Not to bad
I had some time in the steam room afterwards as I get eally cold quickly. I had to talk myself out into the really rather chilly changing room.
After a trip to town I went back into the pool just before 3. It's only half lanes. So I was swimming quite happily sighting the lane ropes and then they suddenly dissapeared and people started to jump in the pool with their clothes on. The life saving course had begun. Not wanting to set myself up as a sacrifice I moved to the very busy one lane swimming event.
Churned up 80 lengths and that takes me just over the first 2 miles. More tonight