Ball Alert
Here is a funny video of The Ball getting it's own back on Wil.
I have seen him do this where it works and he can stand upright and hold weights!! Children don't try this at home!!!!!
Had another good day at the Spa. As a new Spa'ite I feel the need to try out everything , so it is good going on my day off and I can spend time. It must look hilarious. I start off in the steam room and then the door opens with me appearing from a cloud of steam in extreme redness. Then Tropical Rain Shower followed by sharp intakes of breath and squeaks as The Ice Flow shower comes on. Then a jump into the Hydro Therapy Pool to be bubble boiled on a low simmer for 5 mins. Then into the swimming pool, very slowly because it feels quite cold after the Hydro Therapy Pool but not for long. Then it's a quick swim, shower and into Gym.
I can't believe I actually look forward to the Gym. I keep pinching myself and looking in the mirror to make sure it's still me. Still having trouble walking sideways with the exercise band round my feet. My feet have a life of their own, still want to go off in different directions. Practice, practice, practice!!!! Did some upper leg, lower leg, top of the arms and sides. Hamstrings,Biceps,Triceps, Lats, Pecs etc (it is going in slowly!!!!)
Then I went back into the Spa and steamed, showered, swam and bubbled. Claire, one of the other Dasies was there too. It was good to catch up as the impending Weigh-In is on Monday. She very kindly gave me a lift afterwards and we stopped off at her mother-in-law's to pick up her really sweet children, Lauren and Joe.
1/10 Triathlon
6 week challenge
Earlier I was talking of setting goals to keep the momentum going. I have been gaining strength on the exercise bike and with swimming and the leg is getting stronger again for walking. So Wil has set a Triathlon Challenge. Don't worry, I know I am not quite ready for The Iron Man competition, but to do a 10th of what he does in the British Team.
Over the next week I will try to build up strength in swimming, cycling and running so I can, in 6 weeks time 150 meter swim followed by 4k bike ride followed by 1k walk. I know this may sound 'small fry' to some but to do these exercises after each other might be quite a test for me.
First goals in 2 weeks is to be able to - stay on the bike for 10 minutes...oh and cycle too!!
Then in 4 weeks 10 minutes bike and then 5 mniutes walking.. As you know I find the bike quite hard so that will be a challenge!!
So the GB challenge is on then!
I think I might be getting shin splints - hope not
Hi Evo
Have you thought of doing power walking rather than jogging. For every pound you weigh there is 3lb pressure on your knees.
For me I think till I get a lot more weight off it is wiser to do power walking.
I think we should have the GB walking Marathon.
you're on
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