It was all going so well then I blew it yesterday. My niece had her birthday and I knew it was a BBQ which are always a bit difficult. I saved myself for the BBQ unfortunately that meant I was very hungry and ate too much.
One of the good sayings of a past Weight Watcher leader was..if you break a cup you don't then go and smash the whole tea set. So it's back on it today. I am going for my second session with Wil today, I need a bit of a motivation boost. I feel tired all the time and I know it's because I am hauling the weight of an extra person round with me. I'll have a chat with Wil. I need to sort out eating properly or I will be dangling on the end of the eternal yoyo.
24 th July is next weigh in day 2 weeks need to get oving or it will be a bit embarrasing on the radio.
Hmmm. Dieting on the radio has it plus and minus side. It can be a great motivator, but somehow you need to look further than the next radio programme.
Of course you don't want to be embarrassed, but this is about more than the radio programme, it's about your future, and so about you learning to eat better and get fitter long-term.
It's hard to diet when you are meant to let your hair down and celebrate. It's unfortunate that occurred when you had just started this challenge, but as you say, no need to feel the whole diet is sabotaged, just eat sensibly the rest of the week, and the week after that, etc.
Intrestingly I was too busy talking to want to eat too much at the bbq I went to on Sunday, but perhaps in a different mood I would have done the same as you. I wonder what triggers these things off. Perhaps finding that out could be the key to success. ??
I think it was bad planning not eating enough of the right stuff at the right times. I have a feel it will be a constant battle but hopefully will get easier. Afterall I am an expert on dieting I have done it all my life!!
With a combination of proper exercise and lots of good food I will triumph. Not starving myself and a quick walk to the kitchen
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